Agenda item - Brighton Bikeshare Expansion
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Agenda item
Brighton Bikeshare Expansion
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 26th June, 2018 4.00pm (Item 9.)
- View the background to item 9.
Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture
1) That Committee note the success of the Bikeshare scheme and support the expansion plan for the west of the City
9.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that provided an update on the expansion plan and new sites identified for the Brighton & Hove BikeShare scheme.
9.2 On behalf of the Conservative Group, Councillor Wares moved the following motion to amend recommendation 2.1 and add recommendation 2.2 as shown in bold italics and strikethrough below:
2.1 That Committee Members note the success of the Bikeshare scheme and support the expansion plan for the west of the City
2.2 That the existing site at George Street, Hove is reviewed together with alternative and/or additional nearby sites, to ensure usage is maximised, safe cycling is supported, pedestrians are safe and all residents and nearby businesses benefit from the locations chosen.
9.3 Introducing the motion, Councillor Wares explained that it linked directly to the petition presented earlier in the meeting by Councillor Wealls and the problems detailed therein. Councillor Wares made clear that the motion requested a review of the location and not instant removal of the hub.
9.4 Councillor Miller formally seconded the motion.
9.5 Councillor Atkinson thanked officers for the report welcomed confirmation that the scheme would be extending to Portslade.
9.6 Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that he felt the report downplayed the success of the scheme that in his view had been phenomenal.
9.7 Councillor Miller asked if one of the three additional locations identified in paragraph 3.7 would be in Rottingdean.
9.8 The LSTF Project Manager confirmed that Rottingdean was one of the three locations to be determined.
9.9 Councillor West stated the scheme had been encouraging for the city including the visitor economy and health and acknowledged the input of former Councillor Davey. Councillor West stated that the proposed motion dampened the positive news of the report and he could not support the review and possible removal of a very successful hub.
9.10 Councillor Littman agreed with the comments made by Councillor West and acknowledged the comments made by the Chair that the George Street, Hove hub was one of the top ten most popular in the city. Councillor Littman requested that the recommendations 2.1 and 2.2 in the motion be taken separately.
9.11 Councillor Wares explained that his motion proposed moving not removing the hub and could be incorporated into the upcoming work on other sites identified in the report.
9.12 The Chair then put recommendation 2.1 of the motion to the vote that passed
9.13 The Chair then put recommendation 2.2 of the motion to the vote that failed.
9.14 The Chair then put the recommendations, as amended to the vote that passed.
9.15 RESOLVED-That the Committee note the success of the BikeShare scheme and support the expansion plan for the west of the City.
Supporting documents:
Brighton Bikeshare Expansion (TRO Objections), item 9.
PDF 218 KB View as HTML (9./1) 30 KB
Brighton Bikeshare Expansion (TRO Objections) APX. n 2, item 9.
Amendment Item 10 BH Bikeshare Expansion Con Grp, item 9.
PDF 131 KB View as HTML (9./3) 24 KB