Agenda item - Portland Road Traffic Regulation Order
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Agenda item
Portland Road Traffic Regulation Order
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 26th June, 2018 4.00pm (Item 7.)
- View the background to item 7.
Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture
That, having taken into account of all the duly made representations and objections, the Committee:-
1) Approve the Brighton & Hove (Various Roads) (Prohibition of Stopping and Waiting on Verges or Footways) Order 2013 Amendment Order No.* 201* (reference number:TRO-9a-2018) for an exclusive paid parking bay and a loading bay in Portland Road, just east of School Road;
2) Approve the Brighton & Hove (Various Roads) (Prohibition of Stopping and Waiting on Verges or Footways) Order 2013 Amendment Order No.* 201* (reference number:TRO-9b-2018) for a no stopping or waiting on footway or verge restriction on the north side Portland Road between School Road to Shelley Road; and
3) Request that City Transport officers review the use of the parking and loading bays and, if required, propose any further amendments in consultation with ward councillors as part of the citywide Traffic Regulation Order.
7.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that set out proposed parking revisions to the former Gala Bingo site on Portland Road.
7.2 Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that measures to combat pavement parking were welcome however; he was surprised that it was intended to retain the taxi rank as it was seldom used. Furthermore, Councillor Peltzer Dunn queried the reasoning behind allocating two loading bays in the location as many of the close by businesses were non-retail and small retailers therefore, there appeared little demand. Councillor Peltzer Dunn asked if there could be a re-consideration or postponement of that portion of the Order for further discussions to take place and for an assessment of the impact of the wider parking scheme to be assessed.
7.3 The Chair noted that recommendation 2.3 covered any further amendments that may be required.
7.4 Councillor Peltzer Dunn replied that his understanding of recommendation 2.3 was that the Order would be introduced as proposed and there would be the option of a review whereas he felt there should be a delay to that aspect for further discussion before implementation.
7.5 The Head of Parking Services explained that it was an important the Order was put into place in its entirety as if any element was postponed, postponed, it could leave the council open to legal challenge. The Head of Parking Services clarified that if the committee agreed the Order, it could be monitored and any changes reported back to the committee within six months that would be the same process as any postponement without a legal Order in place.
7.6 Councillor Peltzer Dunn noted that the Order was subsequent to the parking scheme which was already in operation so he was unclear on the logic being applied to the overall legal status.
7.7 The Head of Parking Services answered that an Order had not been placed into effect at the same time as the development of the former Gala Bingo site was complete so it was important that was addressed.
7.8 Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that he believed the two Orders were standalone and that one could be approved and the other postponed for further consideration without impacting upon the legality of the parking zone as no Order currently applied to the site.
7.9 The Head of Parking Services clarified that the fact the Order had now been advertised that made the issue more technical and complex adding that a legal briefing could be provided subsequent to the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 17:50 and recommenced at 18:05
7.10 The Deputy Head of Law provided opinion that it was important to regularise the Orders detailed in recommendations 2.2 and 2.3 to ensure there wasn’t a gap in relation to the wider parking zone.
7.11 Councillor Peltzer Dunn thanked officers for legal clarification and requested assurance that the specific area could be closely monitored with any rectification necessary reported back to committee.
7.12 The Chair gave assurance that officers would be closely monitoring the area and any action required would be reported back to committee for approval.
7.13 RESOLVED- That, having taken into account of all the duly made representations and objections, the Committee:-
1) Approve the Brighton & Hove (Various Roads) (Prohibition of Stopping and Waiting on Verges or Footways) Order 2013 Amendment Order No.* 201* (reference number:TRO-9a-2018) for an exclusive paid parking bay and a loading bay in Portland Road, just east of School Road;
2) Approve the Brighton & Hove (Various Roads) (Prohibition of Stopping and Waiting on Verges or Footways) Order 2013 Amendment Order No.* 201* (reference number:TRO-9b-2018) for a no stopping or waiting on footway or verge restriction on the north side Portland Road between School Road to Shelley Road; and
3) Request that City Transport officers review the use of the parking and loading bays and, if required, propose any further amendments in consultation with ward councillors as part of the citywide Traffic Regulation Order.
Supporting documents:
Portland Road Traffic Regulation Order, item 7.
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Portland Road Traffic Regulation Order APX. n 1, item 7.
Portland Road Traffic Regulation Order APX. n 2, item 7.
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