Agenda item - Additional Investment in Services for Young People
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Agenda item
Additional Investment in Services for Young People
- Meeting of Children, Young People & Skills Committee, Monday, 18th June, 2018 4.00pm (Item 10.)
- View the background to item 10.
Report of the Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning
That the Committee notes the report.
10.1 Caroline Parker, Head of Service-Early Years Youth & Family Support, introduced Monty Andersonto the panel, who was a member of a cross party working group and stated that there was a noticeable hostility toward Councillors by the youth.
10.2 Caroline Parker stated that all organisations could apply, it was noted that the process had been agreed and hoped the application would be agreed by Autumn. It was further noted that 2 SEND people would be recruited as advisers to other groups.
10.3 Councillor Vanessa Brown referred to 3.17 regarding unaccompanied asylum seekers and noted that this was good for integration. She further noted the positivity of engaging young people. She further stated that simple process for funding needed to be promoted.
10.4 Regan Delf, Assistant Director – Health SEN and Disabilities, stated that the money had provided a welcome uplift for the project which attained a positive outcome. It was further noted that early discussions had taken place on how the money would be appropriate although a date had not yet been set.
10.5 Caroline Parker stated that various alternative methods of engagement, rehabilitation and therapy were being attempted including a fortnightly drop in, equine therapy, sewing projects, projects surrounding photojournalism, table tennis tournaments and walks by Devil’s Dyke.
10.6 Debbie Corbridge, Integrated Team for Families Manager, stated that a framework that would outline all issues was being prepared. It was noted that various groups were being consulted. 14 people across 7 youth groups including other groups were part of the consultation.
10.7 Councillor Penn stated that mental health issues were established early on and recommended mental health support to be included in consultations to make this more inclusive.
10.8 Councillor Wealls referred to 3.15 and enquired if gap analysis had taken place and if this had been passed on to people being recruited.
10.9 Caroline Parker noted that BHCC was able to use 90 thousand pounds, it was noted that a report was due to be published later in the year with a full analysis on this.
10.10 Amanda Mortensen referred to 3.3 and noted the positive prospect of extended day options. She enquired if surplus finances would be carried over and not lost, she further enquired how the coordinator role would be funded.
10.11 Regan Delf stated learning disability hubs were due to begin in January, she assured the Committee that the existing money leftover would not be lost.
10.12 Anna Gianfrancesco, Head of Safeguarding & Performance, stated that there was a rise in criminal exploitation of young people in regards to drug running, it was noted that data and figures were not yet available and that money would also be used to increase the focus on early prevention levels in schools
10.13 Josh Cliff, Youth Council representative, stated that no significant events had occurred however that ongoing situation would be addressed
10.14 Martin Jones stated that SEND had inspected hubs however engagement between hubs and young people was low. He enquired to what extent the SEND strategy was being engaged with in the report.
10.15 Regan Delf stated that SEND was a part of the process being developed for the 2019 strategy and that a review of the strategy was currently being carried out.
10.16 Joanna Martindale stated that bus travel had been reduced. Reference was made to the positive projects being undertaken by the Hangleton and Knoll Project despite lack of building space, a youth bus was being developed which would otherwise had been impossible to build without the additional funding.
10.17 Councillor O’Quinn noted the positive discussion regarding the cross policy review.
10.18 RESOLVED – that the committee approved the report
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