Agenda item - A New Economic Strategy for Brighton & Hove
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Agenda item
A New Economic Strategy for Brighton & Hove
Extract from the proceedings of the Policy, Resources & Growth Committee meeting held on the 6th December, 2018 (copy to follow); together with a report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).
49.1 Councillor Yates introduced the report which detailed the proposed economic strategy for Brighton & Hove that had been developed with Brighton & Hove Economic Partnership and Regeneris. The strategy sought to provide a common goal and purpose that all city partners could work towards. He noted that an understanding of the economy as a whole was important for the city, the region and at a national level. A number of objectives set out for 2013-18 had been met and the intention was to take the strategy forward with five themes having been identified and agreed with partner organisations. He therefore recommended the strategy to the council for approval.
49.2 Councillor Nemeth stated that he had a number of concerns about the proposed strategy and felt that its remit was too wide and detracted from being an economic strategy. He felt that the overall objectivity in developing the strategy had been missed and meant that business owners would not relate to it. There were no fresh comparisons within the report e.g. other cities home and abroad could have been used as comparators and a lack of testimonials from respected business people in the city. He believed the recommendations were devoid of a clear strategy and failed to address areas such as major projects, the redevelopment of Brighton Town Hall and the creation of a shopping district. He could not therefore support the report.
49.3 Councillor Druitt welcomed the strategy and stated that he believed it gave a clear message that the city was open for business and showed that the city’s economy affected all areas of life.
49.4 Councillor Bewick stated that he felt it was a poor report and lacked any clear ambition or creativity. It did not consider how other cities were moving forward and failed to consider the impact of the digital community in the city. There was a lack of urgency for example no reference to the Madeira Arches and overall needed a lot more work before he could support it.
49.5 Councillor Wealls stated that he had to agree with Councillor Bewick and felt that the report could have been written for any city in the country. There was a lack of reference to the importance of education and the ability for young people to contribute to the economy and how disadvantaged children should be helped. Overall he felt it was a bland report.
49.6 Councillor Littman noted that the report referred to importance of Gatwick Airport in relation to the city’s regeneration the regional economy but this contradicted the aspiration to reduce greenhouse emissions. As air travel was one of the largest contributors to greenhouse emissions he was unsure whether the report favoured air travel or sustainability.
49.7 Councillor Miller stated that he felt it was not a particular good report and taking into account the fact that the council had a city regeneration and economic development team, questioned why they had not written the strategy rather than use an outside agency at considerable cost.
49.8 Councillor Peltzer Dunn referred to the implications set out in the report for doing nothing and stated that he hoped the conclusion was wrong in regard to how the economy would develop.
49.9 Councillor Yates noted the comments and accepted that arguments against the strategy could be made. However, it was important to work with partners and the document was owned collectively by partner organisations in the city. It was also necessary to refer to housing and transport as they were factors that influenced the economy and needed to be taken into account. It was also important to build capacity to enable businesses to grow and to work with the Local Enterprise Partnership so that small businesses could scale up etc. He felt it was important to have the Brighton Met involved and hoped that the council would support the strategy.
49.10 The Mayor noted that the recommendation to adopt the strategy had been moved and put it to the vote which was carried by 25 votes to 19 with 2 abstentions.
49.11 RESOLVED: That the new Economic Strategy be adopted as part of the Council’s Policy Framework.
Supporting documents:
- A New Economic Strategy for Brighton & Hove, item 49. PDF 265 KB View as HTML (49./1) 75 KB
- Economic Strategy - For PRG 6 Dec 2018, item 49. PDF 9 MB
- Item 49 A New Economic Strategy for Brighton & Hove - Extract from PR&G 6.12.18, item 49. PDF 182 KB View as HTML (49./3) 30 KB