Agenda item - An Economic Strategy for Brighton & Hove
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Agenda item
An Economic Strategy for Brighton & Hove
- Meeting of Tourism, Development & Culture Committee, Thursday, 27th September, 2018 4.00pm (Item 24.)
- View the background to item 24.
Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture
That the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee:
1) Recommends the Economic Strategy to the Policy, Resources & Growth Committee and then Full Council for adoption, with an additional pillar, as follows:
“A sustainable City: A City which looks to the future, focussing its economy on sustainable solutions to future challenges in order to protect and enhance the health and wellbeing of its’ residents and act as a leader in developing a robust response to climate change”.
24.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that set out the Economic Strategy for Brighton & Hove and sought approval for referral to Policy, Resources & Growth Committee and Full Council for adoption.
24.2 On behalf of the Green Group, Councillor Druitt moved the following motion to amend recommendation 2.1 as show in bold italics below:
2.1 Recommends the Economic Strategy to the Policy, Resources & Growth Committee and then Full Council for adoption, with an additional pillar, as follows:
“A sustainable City: A City which looks to the future, focussing its economy on sustainable solutions to future challenges in order to protect and enhance the health and wellbeing of its’ residents and act as a leader in developing a robust response to climate change”.
24.3 Introducing the motion, Councillor Druitt explained that the Economic Strategy was very thorough however; he felt that greater focus was required on sustainability. Councillor Druitt clarified that he had initially been advised that this should be through an addition to the first pillar but he had decided to propose a new, fifth pillar after discussions with fellow committee members.
24.4 Councillor Mac Cafferty formally seconded the motion.
24.5 Councillor Platts stated that she fully supported the motion however, as the Strategy was a joint document and had a series of important actions that required speedy implementation, officers should be delegated to bring the existing and new actions together.
24.6 The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture stated that if the committee resolved to agree the motion, he would ask that officers be allowed to develop the actions relating to the fifth pillar with partners.
24.7 Councillor Mears asked for clarification on the advice provided by officers to Councillor Druitt relating to the need to add a fifth pillar or amend the first pillar to incorporate the request.
24.8 Councillor Mac Cafferty formally seconded the motion and agreed with Councillor Platts that officers be tasked with undertaking the process. Councillor Mac Cafferty stated that the employment market was moving toward a focus on jobs relating to sustainability and accepting the motion would demonstrate rational planning for the future local economy. In relation to the wider report, Councillor Mac Cafferty congratulated officers for producing a very thorough document. However, he had some concern for the use of the term ‘disruptive economy’ as the founder of the term promoted ignorance of legislation and regulation and demeaned the upholding of law, environmental protection and human rights and that would not be appropriate in a city such as Brighton & Hove that valued human rights standards and regulation.
24.9 The Assistant Director - City Development & Regeneration clarified that the term was used to describe innovation and being ahead of the curve in anticipating changes to the economy.
24.10 Councillor Nemeth explained that he had several concerns about the report. Firstly, the remit was unclear and the Strategy had encompassed issues such as health and transport that were the responsibility of other committees. Councillor Nemeth added that the report was muddled and overly focussed on the idea of doing things differently rather than doing things better. Councillor Nemeth stated that he would have liked to have seen comparisons with cities such as Bristol and Bournemouth in England and Barcelona and Toronto abroad. Councillor Nemeth added that he did not see the Strategy as inclusive as it claimed but politically charged. Instead, he would have liked to have seen topics such as how to attract large businesses, opportunities that may arise from Brexit, plans for Brighton Town Hall and the Mayoralty and major projects. Councillor Nemeth surmised that the report had a misguided remit, was overly political and made poor conclusions and he would therefore not be supporting the recommendations.
24.11 Councillor Mears echoed the comments made by Councillor Nemeth adding that the term ‘disruptive city’ was of serious concern to her as it was poor terminology that would be off-putting to businesses considering investment in the local area.
24.12 The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture explained that the term ‘disruptive city’ had arisen through the stakeholder events and there had been a lot of discussion about the term in that forum. It was the view of business partners that the term captured the uniqueness and entrepreneurial and collaborative spirit of the city.
24.13 Councillor Platts expressed thanks to council officers for their work and commended the Brighton & Hove Economic Partnership and Chamber of Commerce for their enormously valuable input. Councillor Platt stated the document had undergone extensive consultation and was a demonstration of collaboration and no apology should made regarding the terminology used as it harnessed the innovation and uniqueness of the small business community that was one the city’s great strengths.
24.14 The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture explained that should the motion be passed by the committee, the report would be adapted to include the proposal for a fifth column and would be referred to the December meetings of Policy, Resources & Growth Committee and Full Council rather than the October meetings as planned.
24.15 The Chair put the motion to the vote that passed.
24.16 The Chair put the recommendations, as amended to the vote that passed.
1) Recommends the Economic Strategy to the Policy, Resources & Growth Committee and then Full Council for adoption, with an additional pillar, as follows:
“A sustainable City: A City which looks to the future, focussing its economy on sustainable solutions to future challenges in order to protect and enhance the health and wellbeing of its’ residents and act as a leader in developing a robust response to climate change”.
Supporting documents:
- A New Economic Strategy for Brighton & Hove, item 24. PDF 265 KB View as HTML (24./1) 76 KB
- B&H Economic Strategy - Full Strategy - Final Draft Strategy PDF, item 24. PDF 8 MB
- Item 27 GrnGrp Amendment Economic Strategy, item 24. PDF 197 KB View as HTML (24./3) 24 KB