Agenda item - Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)

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Agenda item

Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)

Report of the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture




1          That the Committee support an evidence gathering exercise to assess the impact of HMOs in areas of the city outside the existing Article 4 Direction area.


2          That, following the evidence review, a report be brought back to this Committee by the end of the year with a recommendation on whether and where to initiate the process of extending the Article 4 Direction that overrides the permitted development rights relating to changes of use from dwellinghouses to small HMOs.


11.1    The Committee considered the Report of the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture which summarised the current planning policy approach to HMOs in the city and made recommendations for future work relating to extending Article 4. The report was introduced by the Senior Planning Officer.


11.2    Councillor Mears welcomed the report and asked for confirmation that the Rottingdean Coastal ward would also be an area considered within the later report to committee. Councillor Mears stated that she had received an email from Black Rock Residents Association to push for Article 4 as HMO’s were already causing a lot of problems.  The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that Rottingdean Coastal would be included in the Article 4 review.


11.3    Councillor Druitt welcomed the report, deputation and Letter from Councillors and stated that he felt this should be a citywide process and welcomed the change of direction, which appeared to have emerged with appointment of the new Council leader.


11.4    Councillor Morris welcomed report and referred to the identified breakdown of community cohesion on pages 31 & 33.


11.5    Councillor Mac Cafferty stated that he was mindful that there was a citywide HMO Direction, how this could be controlled properly, since the law would not support what the Council would wish to do on this issue. The Head of Planning replied that they had looked at evidence gathering and that it was unlikely there would be a citywide Article 4 evidence but confirmed there were pockets and that there would be complexities about implementing this. The Head of Planning confirmed that they would report back to the Committee at the end of the year on this matter.




1)           That the Committee support an evidence gathering exercise to assess the impact of HMOs in areas of the city outside the existing Article 4 Direction area.


2)           That, following the evidence review, a report be brought back to this Committee by the end of the year with a recommendation on whether and where to initiate the process of extending the Article 4 Direction that overrides the permitted development rights relating to changes of use from dwelling houses to small HMOs.

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