Agenda item - Brighton & Hove Permit Scheme End of Year Report
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Agenda item
Brighton & Hove Permit Scheme End of Year Report
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 26th June, 2018 4.00pm (Item 16.)
- View the background to item 16.
Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture
1) That the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee approves the publishing of the end of year report and future year’s reports including sending a copy to the Department for Transport.
2) That the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee approves the delegation of the decision to implement a coring programme in the city to the Assistant Director for City Transport.
16.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that sought approval to publish the end of year report detailing performance of the Brighton & Hove road and street works permit scheme and to implement a coring programme in the city.
16.2 Councillor Atkinson welcomed the report that had been of enormous benefit to residents.
16.3 Councillor Littman congratulated officers on what was a great scheme for the city.
16.4 Councillor Wares commended the scheme that had been of significant benefit to the city. Councillor Wares asked if the coring programme should be proactive rather than reactive to minimise disruption and only conduct necessary work.
16.5 The Head of Traffic Management stated that it was very difficult to ascertain from a visual inspection whether work had been completed to a satisfactory standard as that was determined by how the core compaction and the materials used.
16.6 Councillor West asked for confirmation that there would be a likely 60% failure rate as that was a very high figure.
16.7 The Chair confirmed the figure was accurate adding that the purpose of the coring programme was to create behavioural change.
1) That the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee approves the publishing of the end of year report and future year’s reports including sending a copy to the Department for Transport.
2) That the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee approves the delegation of the decision to implement a coring programme in the city to the Assistant Director for City Transport.
Supporting documents:
Brighton & Hove Permit Scheme End of Year Report, item 16.
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B&H Permit Scheme Evaluation Yr2 Final Version, item 16.