Agenda item - Update on Housing IT Procurement

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Agenda item

Update on Housing IT Procurement


8.1       Ododo Dafe gave a brief overview of the update of Housing IT Procurement report gave a brief overview of the report to the New Homes Committee and gave background information on the report. It was noted that the current contract was due to expire on the 30th November, it was further noted that new technology would be implemented to help move away from the permit system she noted that some residents would be invited to help scrutinise the new IT system.


8.2       Residents had the following concerns, enquiries and statements:


·         In reference to the agreed budget of £1.2 million, a resident enquired if this was for the physical system or for the research

·         A resident enquired if the budget included the cost of the project team and whether they were internal or external

·         A resident further enquired what the length of time on new contracts be


8.3       Officers responded to resident’s enquiries with the following:


·         Of the £1.2 million budget, half of this was for the software, the other half was for research, procurement and implementation

·         It was hoped that the project team would consist of BHCC staff however the contract was for 18months roles over 12 months could not just be restricted to BHCC staff, as a result roles would then be made open

·         The new system was anticipated to last for around 8 years however a review could begin 5 years after implementation


8.4       RESOLVED – that the report was agreed.

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