Agenda item - Performance Report

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Agenda item

Performance Report


12.1    Ododo Dafe gave a brief overview of the Performance Report. She noted that it followed the identical template of the previous report and that this report was comprised of easily accessible information rather than a complicated report. Information drawn from previous years was given to cross reference and highlight how BHCC compared with other organisations. It was noted that a report regarding Legionella and Asbestos was included along with information on properties that have been empty for 6 weeks or more and the amount of rent that was lost as a result.


12.2    Residents noted that this quarter was worse than the last quarter.


12.3    Officers agreed that the previous quarter was marginally better


12.4    The Chair stated that the report would be discussed in detail at the next Housing and New Homes Committee.


12.5    AGREED – that the report was noted.

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