Agenda item - Management of Hove Park Tennis Courts
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Agenda item
Management of Hove Park Tennis Courts
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 26th June, 2018 4.00pm (Item 12.)
- View the background to item 12.
Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture
1) That the Committee accept in principle the proposal put forward by Hove Park Tennis Alliance [ HPTA] for the self-management of Hove Park Tennis Courts as set out at Appendix 1;
2) The Committee note that should the proposal be accepted in principle the proposal will be publicly advertised and any objections considered
3) That the Committee delegate the agreement of the final detail of the lease/license to the Executive Director Economy Environment and Culture
12.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture requested approval of a proposal for self-management of Hove Park tennis courts.
12.2 Councillor Atkinson welcomed the proposal and that it would operate as a co-operative model.
12.3 Councillor Brown stated that both she and Councillor Bennett as ward councillors for Hove Park ward were supportive of the proposal and the wider initiatives such as support for those living in poverty and mental health issues. Councillor Brown asked for assurance that the court nets would be replaced by the council ahead of transfer and expressed her hope that residents would be given sufficient time to use the courts that was an issue that should be monitored.
12.4 The Head of Operations- CityParks confirmed that the nets had recently been replaced and there would be a further check on their condition at the point of handover.
1) That the Committee accept in principle the proposal put forward by Hove Park Tennis Alliance [ HPTA] for the self-management of Hove Park Tennis Courts as set out at Appendix 1;
2) The Committee note that should the proposal be accepted in principle the proposal will be publicly advertised and any objections considered
3) That the Committee delegate the agreement of the final detail of the lease/license to the Executive Director Economy Environment and Culture
Supporting documents:
Management of Hove Park Tennis Courts, item 12.
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Management of Hove Park Tennis Courts APX. n 1, item 12.