Agenda item - Zone U - Resident Parking Scheme Review
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Agenda item
Zone U - Resident Parking Scheme Review
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 26th June, 2018 4.00pm (Item 14.)
- View the background to item 14.
Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture
1) That the Committee agrees that a detailed design consultation takes place in the Zone U (St Luke’s Area) (Appendix A) on an extension to Zone C (Queens Park) parking scheme (9am-8pm Seven days).
14.1 RESOLVED- That the Committee agrees that a detailed design consultation takes place in the Zone U (St Luke’s Area) (Appendix A) on an extension to Zone C (Queens Park) parking scheme (9am-8pm Seven days).
Supporting documents:
Zone U - Resident Parking Scheme Review, item 14.
PDF 219 KB View as HTML (14./1) 33 KB
Zone U - Resident Parking Scheme Review APX. n 1, item 14.
Zone U - Resident Parking Scheme Review APX. n 2, item 14.
PDF 321 KB View as HTML (14./3) 156 KB