Agenda item - Items referred from Full Council

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Agenda item

Items referred from Full Council

Items referred from the last Full Council meeting held on 19 April 2018:


(a)          Petitions


(i)            Single-use plastics at events


(ii)          Hove Carnegie Library


(b)          Deputations


(i)            PVP St James’ Street


(ii)          Music Venues


(A)         PETITIONS


i)          Single use plastics at events


6.1       The Committee considered a petition signed by 1142 people and referred from the meeting of Full Council held on 19 April 2018 requesting that licences require events to be free from single-use plastics.


6.2       The Chair provided the following response:


“I’ve spoken with officers and have had it confirmed to me that a report will be received by the Policy, Resources & Growth Committee in July on Phasing out of Single Use Plastics. That report will encompass the requests made in this petition and the amendment agreed at Full Council about events and I will ensure a copy of that report is circulated to yourself and the members of this committee once it is published.

Subject to the recommendations of that report, there may be further matters for this committee to consider and I will ensure Members are kept abreast of developments on this important issue as things progress.”


6.3       Resolved: That the Committee note the petition.


(ii)       Hove Carnegie Library


6.4      The Committee considered a petition signed by 22 people and referred from the meeting of Full Council held on 19 April 2018 requesting that the recent planning application for Hove Library be halted immediately.


6.5      The Chair provided the following response:


The concerns set out in the petition are noted. There is an item on the agenda that addresses the concerns about the planning application process and this will be discussed later by Members.


6.6       Resolved: That the Committee note the petition.




(i)           PVP St James’ Street


6.7       The Committee considered a deputation referred from the meeting of Full Council held on 19 April 2018 requesting the PVP Street Party be moved to Madeira Drive.


6.8       The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for your deputation regarding the Pride Village Party. We are in the process of beginning a review of the PVP, and are currently working with colleagues in the police, Fire Service and with Pride CIC to agree the scope of the review. We will be looking at whether the PVP could be moved and if so, where to. We will be looking at the impact of the PVP on the local community, on Pride CIC and on local businesses. Whilst we cannot yet say what the outcome will be, we will ensure that residents are fully involved in the review and the outcome will be reported to the relevant committee”.


6.9       Resolved: That the Committee note the deputation.


(ii)          Music Venues


6.10    The Committee considered a deputation referred from the meeting of Full Council held on 19 April 2018 on music venues in the city.


6.11    The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for the deputation and the comments made therein. In relation to your specific request, I will be arranging to meet with Howard Barden, Head of Tourism and Venues and his team at Visit Brighton, to see what more we can do to further promote local music through their online and social media presence and other destination marketing campaigns.”


6.12    Resolved: That the Committee note the deputation.

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