Agenda item - Traveller Education

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Agenda item

Traveller Education

Report of the Head of Education Standards and Achievements. (Copy attached)


RESOLVED:  That the contents of the report be noted.


23.1    The Head of Education Standards and Achievement provided a brief overview of the Traveller Education report which outlined an analysis of the educational outcomes for Traveller Children.


23.2    Councillor Brown expressed concern with the drop to secondary level and enquired if there were any children at school at that age that could and should have stayed in GCSE.


23.3    The Head of Education Standards & Achievement stated that there was a mix of reasons for the drop to secondary level and further stated that the objectives of the team’s involved was to promote education among travellers.


23.4    Councillor Brown enquired if schools were encouraging children to stay and take exams.


23.5    The Assistant Director Education & Skills stated that efforts were being made however it was not known how many year 11 students were involved in the report.


23.6    Councillor Penn enquired what could be done to reach hidden children, specifically those that were not transitory and not part of a minority group.


23.7    The Head of Education Standards & Achievement stated that BHCC were actively seeking out ring-fenced and vulnerable groups.


23.8    Mr Muirhead welcomed the report and briefly detailed some projects currently underway as a result of this.


23.9    RESOLVED:That the contents of the report be noted.

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