Agenda item - Re-organisation of Special Educational provision in the City - Progress Report

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Agenda item

Re-organisation of Special Educational provision in the City - Progress Report

Report of the Executive Director of Families, Children and Learning.


RESOLVED – that the Committee noted the contents of the report.


41.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Families, Children & Learning. The report was introduced by the Assistant Director Health SEN & Disabilities and provided an overview of the progress in the first stage of implementation of the new special schools hubs in the city and to identify the next steps. It was noted that schools were involved and key in developing their own sites and that people had been successfully employed thus offering a range of support.


41.2    Ms Mortensen requested further clarification on the use of monies in relation to the extended day offer. She further enquired if there was an effort to reduce the number of children needing significant respite packages. A follow up on nursing provision was requested.


41.3    The Assistant Director Health SEN & Disabilities stated that this had been the focus of a focus group. It was noted that a respite packages may be needed and that work was being done to see how much nursing was needed to help.


41.4    Councillor Brown expressed her hope for a report on the outcomes to be brought to the Committee in future and congratulated the works being carried out at the moment.


41.5    The Executive Director Families, Children & Learning stated capital costs would be looked at and noted that this was a complicated process.


41.6    Councillor O’Quinn expressed her concerns regarding the uncertainty surrounding the preferred site and enquired if there was any further information on this.


41.7    The Executive Director Families, Children & Learning stated that there that different options would need to be looked at in regards in the long term. It was further stated that an early estimate followed by working through the list paying attention to various priorities was all part of the normal process.


41.8    Councillor Wealls praised the improved academic outcomes and enquired how this was going to be measured in regards to metrics and baselines. Further clarification in regards to the timeline surrounding the SEMH hub was sought.


41.9    The Assistant Director Families, Children & Learning stated that current measurements were of people’s progress and that outcomes were needed to be looked at. It was further stated that exclusions and attendance would be studied and that early investment was necessary to meet high need. It was noted that a meeting with governors at Homewood was due to take place and the dialogue with relevant personnel in relation to the site was ongoing.


41.10  The Executive Director Families, Children & Learning stated that early investment in Homewood side followed visits and statistical information which warranted this.


41.11  Councillor Wealls requested a report be brought to Children, Young People & Skills Committee in future including measurement such as exclusions and attendance rates. Publication of KPI’s  were further requested.


41.12  The Assistant Director Families, Children & Learning welcomed a cross party group on this.


41.13  The Assistant Director Health SEN & Disabilities stated that there were individual targets to be measured against pupils. It was further stated that discussions had taken place to decide how individual progress would be measured.


41.14  RESOLVED – that the Committee noted the contents of the report.

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