Agenda item - Five Year Strategic Plan

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Agenda item

Five Year Strategic Plan

Report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board


1)           That the Board note the questions and discussion points contained in the discussion document.


2)           That the Board approves the next step, which is for Officers to arrange a facilitated session for Board Members, to discuss the paper in more detail.


3)           That the Board agrees that following that session, Greater Brighton Officers work to prepare the Five Year Strategic Plan to be presented to the Board on 29 January 2019.


12.1      The Board considered a report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board that set out initial proposals on a Five Year Strategic Plan for the Board as requested by Members at the previous meeting held on 17 July 2018.


12.2      Andrew Swayne commended the report that set a foundation for discussions and would help establish the Board position in readiness of the Industrial Strategy.


12.3      Steve Allen stated that he welcomed the vision outlined in the report noting the importance for the Board to align its communal voice to the Coast to Capital Strategic Economic Plan. Steve Allen added that he looked forward to the facilitating discussion.


12.4      Prof. Humphris welcomed the report and the clarity it provided. Prof. Humphries stated that there was a differentiation between the GBEB and LEP, that the Board had be clear on how it would measure success and ensure that there was strong collaborative partnership with the University of Brighton and University of Sussex.


12.5      The Chair stated that it was imperative the Board be clear about its offer, strategy and vision and the report was the first step in that process. The Chair added that the Board needed a one voice message and to work with partners to get the best deal for the region. The Chair stated that he looked forward to the facilitated discussion and further discussion of the matter and he would welcome any additional comments from Board Members in advance of that meeting.


12.6      RESOLVED-


1)           That the Board note the questions and discussion points contained in the discussion document.


2)           That the Board approves the next step, which is for Officers to arrange a facilitated session for Board Members, to discuss the paper in more detail.


3)           That the Board agrees that following that session, Greater Brighton Officers work to prepare the Five Year Strategic Plan to be presented to the Board on 29 January 2019.

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