Agenda item - Review of the Members Allowances Scheme
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Agenda item
Review of the Members Allowances Scheme
- Meeting of Policy, Resources & Growth Committee, Thursday, 6th December, 2018 4.00pm (Item 92.)
- View the background to item 92.
Report of the Executive lead Strategy Governance & Law (copy attached)
RESOLVED: That the Committee –
(i) That the Independent Remuneration Panel’s report as detailed in appendix 1 be received and endorsed;
(ii) That the allowance payable to each of the members of the Independent Remuneration Panel be increased by 2% in line with the public sector pay award with effect from the date of the Annual Council meeting in May 2019, in recognition of the time
commitment and the role of the Panel;
(iii) That the recommendations in the report of the IRP be recommended to the full Councilfor approval;
Full Council
(iv) That the full Council be recommended to adopt the new Members Allowances Scheme for the payment of allowances in 2019/20 with effect from the Annual Council Meeting in May 2019; subject to the implementation of the Basic Allowance from the 6th May 2019 as detailed in the IRP’s report and the Scheme in appendix 7 to the report;
(v) That the Chief Executive be authorised to issue the Brighton & Hove Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2019-23 in accordance with the regulations following Council approval and subject to any additional recommendations of the Panel approved by the
Council prior to the 2019 May elections;
(vi) That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to amend the Constitution to reflect the new Members Allowances Scheme accordingly;
(vii) That where there are any changes to any role listed as attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance under the Scheme, and the revised role is substantially the same as the previous role in terms of the nature or level of responsibility; the Special Responsibility Allowance shall continue to apply to the new role. This is subject to the Independent Remuneration Panel being consulted and agreeing that it is substantially the same role.
92.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Lead for Strategy Governance & Law, regarding the review of Members Allowances Scheme 2019-23. Mr K Childerhouse (Chair of the Independent Remuneration Panel) attended the meeting to speak on the report.
92.2 The Chair thanked Mr Childerhouse and the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) for their work in preparing the report.
92.3 The Chair noted that an amendment had been submitted by the Conservative Group, and asked Councillor Bell to propose the amendment.
92.3 Councillor Bell thanked everyone for the report and the work undertaken by the IRP. He said that whilst he accepted the comments about the Chairs of the Planning and Licensing Committees, it was felt that it didn’t take account of the amount of work which went into chairing the policy committees, and therefore it would be appropriate to treat all chairs the same. He said the Mayor was the first citizen of the city, who undertook many duties and dedicated most of the year to the mayoralty, and it was therefore felt that the reduction in their allowance was too much. He proposed the following amendment:
That the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel be amended to reflect a change in the Special Responsibility Allowances listed in the Panel’s report at paragraph 5.3 (including the table of SRA’s) and paragraphs 6.35 and 13.3 and in the table listed in appendix 2 as detailed below:
(1) By reducing the percentage qualification of the Leader’s SRA for the Chairs of the Planning and Licensing Committees down to 30% rather than 35%; thereby equating them to the Chairs of Policy Committees and an SRA of £9,752; and
(2) By increasing the Mayor’s and Deputy Mayor’s allowances to £12,352 and £2,600 respectively; these equating to 38% and 8% of the Leader’s SRA.
Note: The saving of £3,250 by reducing the SRA’s for the Chairs of Planning and Licensing Committees is then redistributed to the Mayor’s and Deputy Mayor’s Allowances; thereby being cost neutral for the overall Scheme of Allowances.
92.4 Councillor Wealls seconded the proposed amendment.
92.5 Councillor Peltzer Dunn said that the formal title of the Mayor was The Right Worshipful The Mayor of the City of Brighton and Hove. The Mayor had an ambassadorial role for the city, represented the public face of the city, and was the figurehead of the Council. The mayorl influence was incalculable and to say it was worth a percentage of the Leader’s Allowance was not appropriate. The proposed allowance covered all the mayor’s personal expenses, which for a female mayor would be more costly. As the IRP accepted, the allowance for the Mayor was not part of their remit, and he did not agree with their suggestion to reduce their allowance.
92.6 Councillor Sykes noted that the IRP’s decision had been unanimous, and agreed that the workload of the Chair of the Planning and Licensing Committees was heavy, and so the Green Group would not support the amendment.
92.7 Councillor Mitchell thanked the IRP for their work, and said that it was an important principle that an independent body review the allowances. The IRP had looked at all aspects of councillors roles, and their recommendations should be abided by, and therefore the Labour Group would not support the amendment.
92.8 The Chair said that rather than proposing an amendment it may have been more appropriate to have referred the matter back to the IRP.
92.9 The Committee voted on the amendment, and it was not agreed.
92.10 RESOLVED: That the Committee –
(i) That the Independent Remuneration Panel’s report as detailed in appendix 1 be received and endorsed;
(ii) That the allowance payable to each of the members of the Independent Remuneration Panel be increased by 2% in line with the public sector pay award with effect from the date of the Annual Council meeting in May 2019, in recognition of the time
commitment and the role of the Panel;
(iii) That the recommendations in the report of the IRP be recommended to the full Councilfor approval;
Full Council
(iv) That the full Council be recommended to adopt the new Members Allowances Scheme for the payment of allowances in 2019/20 with effect from the Annual Council Meeting in May 2019; subject to the implementation of the Basic Allowance from the 6th May 2019 as detailed in the IRP’s report and the Scheme in appendix 7 to the report;
(v) That the Chief Executive be authorised to issue the Brighton & Hove Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2019-23 in accordance with the regulations following Council approval and subject to any additional recommendations of the Panel approved by the
Council prior to the 2019 May elections;
(vi) That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to amend the Constitution to reflect the new Members Allowances Scheme accordingly;
(vii) That where there are any changes to any role listed as attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance under the Scheme, and the revised role is substantially the same as the previous role in terms of the nature or level of responsibility; the Special Responsibility Allowance shall continue to apply to the new role. This is subject to the Independent Remuneration Panel being consulted and agreeing that it is substantially the same role.
Supporting documents:
- Review of the Members Allowances Scheme, item 92. PDF 222 KB View as HTML (92./1) 31 KB
- Report of the IRP - Review of the Members Allowances Scheme, item 92. PDF 1 MB View as HTML (92./2) 251 KB
- Item 92 - ConGrp Amendment - Members Allowances, item 92. PDF 132 KB View as HTML (92./3) 25 KB
- Members Allowances Scheme - appendix 7, item 92. PDF 415 KB View as HTML (92./4) 112 KB