Agenda item - Presentation -Pride Village Party and Brighton and Hove Pride
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Agenda item
Presentation -Pride Village Party and Brighton and Hove Pride
Jayne Babb, Operations Manager for Pride will give a presentation outlining the arrangements which are put into place to support the United Kingdom’s biggest Pride Festival which includes the Pride Village Party in Kemptown.
Following the presentation Members will have the opportunity to ask questions before moving on to consider the remaining items of business on the agenda.
17.1 The Chair, Councillor, O’Quinn, welcomed Jayne Babb, the Operations Manager with Pride who gave a presentation outlining the arrangements which had been put into place to support the Pride weekend 2018, noting that the city’s event was the United Kingdom’s biggest Pride Festival which included the Pride Village Party in Kemptown.
17.3 Ms Babb detailed the history of Pride in Brighton and Hove from its beginnings as a protest march organised by the Sussex Gay Liberation Front in 1972 to date. The event in 2018 had been the largest in the UK and had raised £250,000 for charity and had involved 150 community groups and floats and had been watched by over 300,000 people. Integral to the success of the event was the detailed planning and effective partnership working which took place between the city council, emergency services including East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service and St John Ambulance Service, Brighton & Sussex University hospitals, transport providers and event safety experts. The need for continuous planning and development were recognised and following the de-brief following the 2018 event arrangements were well advanced for events to take place for the 2019 weekend.
17.4 The 2018 weekend had comprised Love BN1 Festival (for the first time), Pride Campsite at Waterhall, an Arts and Cultural Programme, the Community Parade, the Park Festival (Preston Park), Pride Village Party and Pride Pleasure Gardens events which would be repeated for 2019.
17.5 Following the presentation Members had the opportunity to ask questions before moving on to consider the remaining items on the agenda.
17.6 RESOLVED – That the content of the presentation be received and noted.