Agenda item - Field Officers : Implementation Progress Report

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Agenda item

Field Officers : Implementation Progress Report

Report of Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached)


38.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing detailing the work which have taken place in implementing the setting up of the Field Officer role. At their meeting on 22 January 2018, the Committee had agreed the business case for the creation of the New Field Officer Team as part of the wider Communities and Neighbourhoods Portfolio focusing on how the Council delivered enforcement and inspection functions across services to reduce costs to the council and to give a better service to communities across the city.


38.2    RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the contents of the implementation update in relation to the Field Officer Team and agrees that a further report submitted to the July 2019 Neighbourhoods, Inclusion, Communities and Equalities Committee meeting in order to provide a further update on the work of the Field Officer Team.

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