Agenda item - Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2019/20

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Agenda item

Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2019/20

Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing 


1)           That the committee agrees the Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2019/2020 set out in the appendix to this report.


75.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing that requested approval of the Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2019/20.


75.2      Councillor West welcomed the report and commended officers for their hard work and the businesses that complied with the scheme. Councillor West noted that there was some contradiction in the report on how regularly medium risk and low risk premises were visited by officers and asked if this was an error or a resource issue. Furthermore, Councillor West asked if the financial implications were incorrect as paragraph 7.1 appeared to provide the 2018/19 budget figure.


75.3      The Regulatory Services Manager answered clarified that there were two separate assessments in place- food safety and food standards with a different assessment criteria for each. Food safety would relate to food preparation and hygiene whereas food standards related to other issues such as food and price labelling. The Regulatory Services Manager noted that the budget figure at paragraph 7.1 was incorrect.


75.4      Councillor Brown asked if the Food Hygiene Rating system was mandatory or voluntary and enquired as to the measures being undertaken to ensure that accurate and easily accessible allergen information was advertised by premises.


75.5      The Regulatory Services Manager explained that the Food Hygiene Scheme was voluntary and government legislation would be required to make the scheme mandatory. In relation to allergen information, the Regulatory Services Manager explained that as part of the inspections undertaken by officers, checks were made to ensure that allergen information was signposted at the front of the premises and point of sale and that staff were fully trained and aware to advise customers. Furthermore, officers proactively visited premises and enforcement action was considered where deemed appropriate.


75.6      Councillor Miller asked how temporary premises such as pop-ups were effectively monitored and assessed.


75.7      The Regulatory Services Manager clarified that information would be received from colleagues in the Licensing team at the point an application was made for a temporary premise. Food Safety Inspectors worked on a patch-based system and would monitor new premises and where it was found that traders had not registered with the council, they would be directed to the council to do so.


75.8      RESOLVED- That the committee agrees the Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2019/2020 set out in the appendix to this report.

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