Agenda item - Local Transformation Plan 2018 refresh and Wave One Trailblazer Expression of Interest

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Agenda item

Local Transformation Plan 2018 refresh and Wave One Trailblazer Expression of Interest

Report of the Executive Director of Families, Children and Learning.



RESOLVED – that the Committee noted the contents of the report.


42.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Families, Children & Learning. The report was introduced by (Gill Brooks, NHS.?) updating the Committee on the Children, Young People’s Mental Health Local Transformation Plan refresh for 2018. The report also provided details on the expression of interest to be Wave One of Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health Provision: A Green Paper (2017) 2019-2024.


42.2    Councillor Penn stated her concern regarding the lack of transparency surrounding severely delayed response times, an example of a child recently


42.3    Ms Brooks agreed that although a liaison team was present 7 days a week, it did not operate 24 hours a day.


42.4    Councillor Penn stated that according to a report last year a 24 hour 7 day response rate should have been in operation.


42.5    Ms Brooks stated that a crisis system had been piloted however this had not been made public and was not in operation 24 hours 7 days a week. It was stated that due to the infrequent occurrence, justification of a 24 hour 7 day service was difficult. It was further stated that some work had been done with a focus on vulnerable children. It was noted that resources had been placed in psychiatry and nursing.


42.6    Councillor Penn expressed further concern in regards to the lack of transparency on this.


42.7    The Executive Director Families, Children & Learning stated that in there was an early joint commissioning set to monitor arrangements. It was stated that through discussions with the CCG there were initial discussions on the wider work in Sussex.


42.8    Councillor Brown noted that the greatest concern was of children unable to access help. In reference to the noticeable prevalence of self-harm being higher than the national average, Councillor Brown enquired what was being done to address this.


42.9    Ms Brooks stated that a Needs Assessment was completed and published in March by public health which involved the process in broadening the scope of the definition of self-harm. It was noted that a trauma informed approach was adopted in dealing with children in need of help and that the situation stated by Councillor Penn was an example of how not to respond to that need.


42.10  Councillor Cattell noted data regarding children who developed abusive tendencies as a result of being a victim of domestic abuse and enquired if there was recognition of children who suffered from this.



42.11  The Executive Director Families, Children & Learning stated that the hub received daily data from police regarding all domestic engagements the evening prior.


42.12  Councillor Cattell noted that some families did not want to involve social services.


42.13  The Executive Director Families, Children & Learning stated that this was a fact finding issue with a focus on assessing who needed help and determining how this would be achieved.


42.14  Ms Brooks noted that CCG recognised the work the RISE carried out and that a trauma pathway had been developed across a range of partners. It was stated that triage work was done via a mental health risk assessments and although child referrals were preventative; this would follow working with the family.


42.15  Councillor Cattell stated that RISE provided training to deal with trauma.


42.16  Councillor Allen enquired what the workforce consisted of and requested clarification of the workforce matrix. Further clarification was sought in relation to what extent BHCC depended on staff from the EU.


42.17  Ms Brooks stated that there was a requirement that each CCG produced a workforce strategy. It was noted that this was an overarching strategy for Kent and Sussex and that Brexit was among many issues being considered. It was clarified that the matrix would inform the action plan and gave a brief overview of different programs in place to build skills across various areas.


42.18  The Chair requested the document be circulated.


42.19  Mr Glazebrook gave an example of a young person attempting suicide following refusal of service over many months and highlighted the urgency of shorter waiting times.


42.20  Ms Brooks stated that she would follow up on this separately and noted the importance of collating cases where this had happened.


42.21  Ms Mortensen enquired what challenges were faced in developing the developmental pathway.


42.22  Ms Brooks stated high levels of engagement were needed with families and therapists.


42.23  Mr Cliff requested clarification on the plans to halve the waiting time for CAMHS.


42.24  Ms Brooks stated that this would be achieved with more resources and more specialist treatments. A brief overview of the decision making process was provided including various issues and methods of providing services.


42.25  RESOLVED – that the Committee noted the contents of the report.

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