Agenda item - Youth Grants Presentation

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Agenda item

Youth Grants Presentation


40.1    Dobbie Corbridge, Integrated Team for Families Manager, introduced a presentation on Youth Led Grants Programme. Young people’s involvement within the framework was emphasised. The Committee considered a brief overview of the priorities and funding allocations brought about as a result of the engagement of Young People with the system. It was noted that the outcomes were of various projects under Mental Health, Positive Youth Activities, Alcohol and Substance Misuse; and Volunteering and Work Experience.


40.2    Councillor Penn emphasised her support of the programme and noted the positivity of this programme.


40.3    Councillor Brown thanked the young people involved and stated that she was looking forward to the outcome.


40.4    Mr Glazebrook enquired how the young people found the process.


40.5    The young people presenting the report gave various views of being involved and of the engagement in the process.


40.6    RESOLVED – that the committee agreed to note the update.


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