Agenda item - Outdoor Events Strategy 2019-24
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Agenda item
Outdoor Events Strategy 2019-24
- Meeting of Tourism, Development & Culture Committee, Thursday, 7th March, 2019 4.00pm (Item 74.)
- View the background to item 74.
Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture
1) That the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee adopts the Outdoor Events Strategy (attached as Appendix 1 to this report) and supports the key actions and instructs Officers to prepare a report for the next Tourism, Development & Culture Committee which considers the implications of amending the Outdoor Events Strategy as set out in (a) and (b) below:
(a) To amend the Outdoor Events Strategy as follows:
(i) To introduce an Environmental Impact Charge, as requested by respondents to the consultation (and successfully applied in Oxford) to fund maintenance and care of the spaces used, including support for “Friends of” parks and open spaces associations;
(ii) to request that all outdoor events on council-owned land sign up to the Outdoor Events Charter, irrespective of visitor numbers
(iii) that as part of the ongoing review of Hire Charges and Fees, consideration is given to options for a fairer way of calculating charges such as aligning them with commercial event income or attendance figures
(iv) that a transport plan is developed for large events (500+ attendees) that makes provision for maintaining access to sustainable transport corridors during the event where practicable and agreed by the Safety Advisory Group, and encourages access to events via sustainable transport in line with the Sustainable Event Commitment
(b) To amend the Outdoor Events Charter as follows, to include:
(i) discouraging the use of performing animals in events on council-owned land
(ii) a commitment to reduce waste creation at source
(iii) a commitment to the Brighton Living Wage
(iv) a commitment to comply with key BHCC corporate commitments as they affect communities, such as policies developed in relation to Licensing and Environmental Health
(c) To amend the Sustainable Events Commitment for Outdoor Events, to require event organisers to find alternatives to single use plastics where possible; and
(d) To request that this committee receives annual feedback on compliance with the Charter, with a presumption against granting future permission to events that show clear disregard for the Charter
74.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that set out a new Outdoor Event Strategy, developed in conjunction with partners and sector stakeholders, that would be used as the basis for future partnership working and inform the council’s priority actions and targets and relation to the Outdoor Events Programme.
74.2 On behalf of the Green Group, Councillor Druitt moved a motion to amend recommendation 2.1 as shown in bold italics below:
2.1 That the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee adopts the Outdoor Events Strategy (attached as Appendix 1 to this report) and supports the key actions and instructs Officers to prepare a report for the next Tourism, Development & Culture Committee which considers the implications of amending the Outdoor Events Strategy as set out in (a) and (b) below:
(a) To amend the Outdoor Events Strategy as follows:
(i) To introduce an Environmental Impact Charge, as requested by respondents to the consultation (and successfully applied in Oxford) to fund maintenance and care of the spaces used, including support for “Friends of” parks and open spaces associations;
(ii) to request that all outdoor events on council-owned land sign up to the Outdoor Events Charter, irrespective of visitor numbers
(iii) that as part of the ongoing review of Hire Charges and Fees, consideration is given to options for a fairer way of calculating charges such as aligning them with commercial event income or attendance figures
(iv) that a transport plan is developed for large events (500+ attendees) that makes provision for maintaining access to sustainable transport corridors during the event where practicable and agreed by the Safety Advisory Group, and encourages access to events via sustainable transport in line with the Sustainable Event Commitment
(b) To amend the Outdoor Events Charter as follows, to include:
(i) discouraging the use of performing animals in events on council-owned land
(ii) a commitment to reduce waste creation at source
(iii) a commitment to the Brighton Living Wage
(iv) a commitment to comply with key BHCC corporate commitments as they affect communities, such as policies developed in relation to Licensing and Environmental Health
(c) To amend the Sustainable Events Commitment for Outdoor Events, to require event organisers to find alternatives to single use plastics where possible; and
(d) To request that this committee receives annual feedback on compliance with the Charter, with a presumption against granting future permission to events that show clear disregard for the Charter
74.3 Introducing the motion, Councillor Druitt explained that events were a key sector for Brighton & Hove and one of the main reasons people visited the city. Councillor Druitt noted that ward councillors received a high number of complaints from residents after events, predominately regarding the condition the site had been left in. Councillor Druitt explained that each part of the proposed motion sought to address some of the issues currently experienced and sought to promote a better relationship between the council, event organisers and local residents.
74.4 Councillor Mac Cafferty formally seconded the motion and noted that Oxford City Council had successful introduced a non-refundable environmental impact charge. Councillor Mac Cafferty noted that the consultation feedback elicited strong support from residents for an environmental impact charge and the motion responded to that request.
74.5 Councillor Platts stated her support for the ring-fencing of any income generated from an environmental impact charge for ‘Friends of’ groups and congratulated the motion as a good way for the council to set out its expectations in relation to the hosting of events. Councillor Platts added her support for the provision of sustainable travel for events as getting around the city was sometimes difficult for first time visitors as well use the commitment to the Brighton Living Wage.
74.6 Councillor Miller thanked officers for producing a concise and informative report. Councillor Miller stated that he would not be supporting the proposed motion as an environmental impact charge would create tax buy stealth on a key aspect of the city economy that impact its viability.
74.7 Councillor Nemeth praised the detail of the report however, the could not support the motion as he believed the council there was no example of events where the proposed measures would apply. Councillor Nemeth stated that all the major events in the city were in accord with the standard the council would expect, and the proposed Outdoor Event Strategy was robust.
74.8 Councillor Mears stated that she could not support the motion as it was overly prescriptive and increased bureaucracy and that would be detrimental to the Strategy. Councillor Mears stated that she found the question posed in the consultation questionnaire detailed on pages 161-165 of the agenda to be irrelevant and unnecessary as they didn’t relate to outdoor events.
74.9 The Head of Sport & Leisure clarified that the questionnaire format was applied as standard across the council.
74.10 The Chair then put the motion to the vote that passed.
74.11 The Chair then put the recommendations, as amended to the vote that passed.
1) That the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee adopts the Outdoor Events Strategy (attached as Appendix 1 to this report) and supports the key actions and instructs Officers to prepare a report for the next Tourism, Development & Culture Committee which considers the implications of amending the Outdoor Events Strategy as set out in (a) and (b) below:
(a) To amend the Outdoor Events Strategy as follows:
(i) To introduce an Environmental Impact Charge, as requested by respondents to the consultation (and successfully applied in Oxford) to fund maintenance and care of the spaces used, including support for “Friends of” parks and open spaces associations;
(ii) to request that all outdoor events on council-owned land sign up to the Outdoor Events Charter, irrespective of visitor numbers
(iii) that as part of the ongoing review of Hire Charges and Fees, consideration is given to options for a fairer way of calculating charges such as aligning them with commercial event income or attendance figures
(iv) that a transport plan is developed for large events (500+ attendees) that makes provision for maintaining access to sustainable transport corridors during the event where practicable and agreed by the Safety Advisory Group, and encourages access to events via sustainable transport in line with the Sustainable Event Commitment
(b) To amend the Outdoor Events Charter as follows, to include:
(i) discouraging the use of performing animals in events on council-owned land
(ii) a commitment to reduce waste creation at source
(iii) a commitment to the Brighton Living Wage
(iv) a commitment to comply with key BHCC corporate commitments as they affect communities, such as policies developed in relation to Licensing and Environmental Health
(c) To amend the Sustainable Events Commitment for Outdoor Events, to require event organisers to find alternatives to single use plastics where possible; and
(d) To request that this committee receives annual feedback on compliance with the Charter, with a presumption against granting future permission to events that show clear disregard for the Charter
Supporting documents:
- Outdoor Events Strategy 2019-24, item 74. PDF 248 KB
- Outdoor Events Strategy APX. n 1, item 74. PDF 793 KB
- Outdoor Events Strategy APX. n 2, item 74. PDF 336 KB
- Outdoor Events Strategy APX. n 3, item 74. PDF 31 KB
- Item 74 GrnGrp Amendment Outdoor Events, item 74. PDF 280 KB