Agenda item - Royal Pavilion and Museums Collections Policies

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Agenda item

Royal Pavilion and Museums Collections Policies

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


1)            That the Tourism Development and Culture Committee adopts the policies attached in the appendices to this report:

·                     Loans Policy (new);

·                     Rights Policy (new);

·                     Digital Preservation Policy (new);

·                     Human Remains Policy (updated);

·                     Collections Development Policy (updated).

2)           Notes the outcome of the Accreditation process for the RPM notified to the Council in September 2018, and the actions and timetable for achieving full Accreditation.


3)           Delegates authority to the Head of the Royal Pavilion and Museums, in liaison with the Chair of the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee, to transfer and items to and from the city collections in accordance with the agreed Collections Development Policy for the reasons set out in 3.8 and 3.9 below.


63.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that sought approval to adopt policies relating to the management of the Council’s museum collection to be applied by the Royal Pavilion & Museums service (RPM).


63.2      Councillor Norman asked for clarification on paragraph 16.2 on page 118 as the term ‘legally free’ was unclear.


63.3      The Head of Royal Pavilion & Museum clarified that disposal was a technical term that related to transferring of items.


63.4      Councillor Miller asked if collections were insured and for clarification on the disposal and sale process


63.5      The Head of Royal Pavilion & Museum clarified that all items were insured as well as borrowed or loaned items, that rules around disposal were every strict and very much a last resort and any funds raised by sale were mandated to be reinvested in collections.


63.6      RESOLVED-


1)            That the Tourism Development and Culture Committee adopts the policies attached in the appendices to this report:

·                     Loans Policy (new);

·                     Rights Policy (new);

·                     Digital Preservation Policy (new);

·                     Human Remains Policy (updated);

·                     Collections Development Policy (updated).

2)           Notes the outcome of the Accreditation process for the RPM notified to the Council in September 2018, and the actions and timetable for achieving full Accreditation.


3)           Delegates authority to the Head of the Royal Pavilion and Museums, in liaison with the Chair of the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee, to transfer and items to and from the city collections in accordance with the agreed Collections Development Policy for the reasons set out in 3.8 and 3.9 below.

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