Agenda item - Major Projects Update

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Agenda item

Major Projects Update

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


50.1      The Committee received an update on progress made on Major Projects since the previous meeting.


50.2      Councillor Mears asked when Policy, Resources & Growth Committee would receive an update on the boundary changes on the proposed Whitehawk development.


50.3      The Assistant Director City Development & Regeneration stated that the report would be received to a future PR&G Committee following consideration of the issue by the Limited Liability Partnership Board.


50.4      Councillor Cattell stated that she welcomed the progress made on a number projects, particularly Circus Street and Preston Barracks.


50.5      Councillor Druitt asked what the proposed community use at Madeira Terraces would be; expressed concern relating to the knock on effect the Waterfront development would have upon shop vacancy rates and the potential for an expanded Churchill Square site to increase congestion in the city.  Furthermore, Councillor Druitt asked if housing could be considered as part of the expansion of Churchill Square given the lack of available housing in the city. In addition, Councillor Druitt stated that whilst he was supportive of the Living Wage Joint Venture however, it was clear that for a number of reasons, mainly around the ecological importance of the Whitehawk Hill site, he would appeal to that an alternative site be found.


50.6      The Assistant Director City Development & Regeneration replied that the Living Wage Joint Venture were continuing to look at sites on an ongoing basis, that the proposals for the Waterfront and expansion of Churchill Square would be received in detail in two to three years and that would be the opportunity to consider alternative uses such as housing as well as traffic and congestion assessments. The Assistant Director City Development & Regeneration added that the hut to be located on Madeira Terrace was initially intended to create an onsite presence and would eventually become the site office for the regeneration.

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