Agenda item - Designating the use of Community Protection Notices (CPN) to local Registered Social Landlords
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Agenda item
Designating the use of Community Protection Notices (CPN) to local Registered Social Landlords
- Meeting of Neighbourhoods, Inclusion, Communities & Equalities Committee, Monday, 21st January, 2019 4.00pm (Item 51.)
- View the background to item 51.
Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached)
RESOLVED – That the Committee approves the designation of Community Protection Notices to local Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) in accordance with section 53 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 20014.
51.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing which sought approval to designate the use of Community Protection Notices to Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) in Brighton and Hove to increase the remedies available to them to tackle anti-social behaviour in the city.
51.2 It was noted that a proposed amendment had been put forward on behalf of the Green Group, proposed by Councillor Littman and seconded by Councillor West in the following terms:
“That the following recommendation 2.2 be added, as shown below:
2.2 That given the guidance from the minister for crime, safeguarding and vulnerability as stated in7.6:that CPNs “are used proportionately and not to target specific groups”,
- and the statement in 7.8 referring to the value of an EIA,
That the committee agrees to defer the item until a full Equality Impact Assessment has been provided for consideration”
51.3 In responding to the points raised in the amendment proposed by the Green Group it was explained that an Equalities Impact Assessments were on-going in and any changes made going forward were seeking to extend and build on the established process rather than seeking to introduce something which was new.
51.4 In answer to further questions it was confirmed that the approach being used were be proportionate and that check weights and counter-balances were in place in order to ensure that that those who were vulnerable were protected, but that measures were also in place which could respond more quickly to instances where persons (aged 16 years or over), businesses or organisations were committing behaviour which had a detrimental impact on the quality of life of those in their locality and where those behaviours were persistent and continuing in their nature and were deemed to be unreasonable. The aim of the CPN was to address such behaviours and to put a stop to them whilst putting steps into place to ensure that they did not re-occur.
51.5 Councillor Littman stated that he had concerns that this could in reality represent a very heavy handed approach and could give rise to an approach to vulnerable sections of the community which might not be even-handed. It was explained that the measures to be put into place would target problem behaviours and that the two registered social housing providers identified had indicated that they would wish to use CPN’s in appropriate cases.
51.6 Councillor Nemeth stated that he was aware of incidents where individuals and communities had suffered sustained negative behaviours over a protracted period of time which had a significant detrimental impact. He welcomed the fact that the powers available to address such behaviours were robust and a more rapid response would facilitate a more rapid response.
51.7 The Chair, Councillor Daniel stated that she had heard all that had been said and asked whether it was intended to provide periodic progress update report(s) to Committee and it was confirmed that it was.
51.8 Councillors Littman and West confirmed that in the light of the reassurances and responses provided that they would withdraw their proposed amendment. The Committee then proceeded voted on the recommendation as set out in the officer report.
51.9 RESOLVED – That the Committee approves the designation of Community Protection Notices to local Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) in accordance with section 53 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 20014.
Supporting documents:
Designating the use of Community Protection Notices (CPN) to local Registered Social Landlords, item 51.
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