Agenda item - NHS 111 Procurement: January 2019 Update

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Agenda item

NHS 111 Procurement: January 2019 Update

Report of the Executive Lead for Strategy, Governance & Law, on NHS plans to procure a new provider for the 111 call service (copy attached)


28.1    This item was introduced by Colin Simmons, Coastal West Sussex CCG. Mr Simmons explained that the exercise to procure a new Sussex 111 service had been paused while commissioners investigated the potential for procuring a service jointly with Kent CCGs. This is indeed feasible and a redesigned 111 contract will be jointly procured with Kent CCGs.


28.2    Procurement decisions will be taken by a joint committee with delegated powers, rather than independently by each of the CCGs.


28.3    Procuring jointly with Kent presents an opportunity to make significant efficiencies. It is also the case that national requirements for 111 have been recently re-drawn and this required re-visiting the premise of the local contract.


28.4    The plans are now to award a contract in summer 2019, with mobilisation in the autumn.


28.5    In response to questions by Cllr Janio on the contract, Mr Simmons told members that the contract would be for five years with an option to extend for a further two years. There will be penalties if the provider fails to deliver the contracted level of service.


28.6    In answer to a question from Cllr Deane on technology issues, Mr Simmons told the committee that this was a significant aspect of the contract, particularly in terms of ensuring the interoperability of different NHS IT systems.


28.7    In response to a query from Cllr Marsh on transfer arrangements, Mr Simmons assured members that lessons had been learnt from recent procurements: a permanent team will manage the transition from the current provider.


28.8    RESOLVED – that the report be noted.

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