Agenda item - Director of Public Health: Annual Report
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Agenda item
Director of Public Health: Annual Report
- Meeting of Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Wednesday, 23rd January, 2019 4.00pm (Item 29.)
- View the background to item 29.
Report of the Executive Lead for Strategy, Governance & Law presenting the Director of Public Health Annual Report (copy attached)
29.1 Alistair Hill, Director of Public Health, introduced this item, explaining that this year’s DPH report focused on the links between health and the arts. The report uses the format of the ‘four wells’: starting well, living well, ageing well and dying well. The report’s recommendations will be taken forward via the Cultural Framework.
29.2 The Chair congratulated Mr Hill and the Public Health team for the report.
29.3 In response to a question from Fran McCabe on how committed to this agenda the NHS is, Mr Hill replied that there is some CCG-funded arts related work locally, and the NHS Long Term Plan stresses the importance of social prescribing. Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is also extensively involved in art and culture. However, there is room to do more.
29.4 Cllr Deane noted that she agreed that arts and culture are integral to health and wellbeing, but was concerned that BHCC financial decisions may not support this. Mr Hill responded that the Annual Report seeks to argue the case for the value of investing in the arts.
29.5 RESOLVED – that the report be noted.
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