Agenda item - Deputations from members of the public.
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Agenda item
Deputations from members of the public.
A list of deputations received by the due date of 12noon on the 25th January 2019 will be circulated separately as part of an addendum at the meeting.
62.1 The Mayor reported that two deputations had been received from members of the public and invited Mr. Lyons as the spokesperson for the first deputation to come forward and address the council.
62.2 Mr. Lyons thanked the Mayor and stated that he was putting forward the deputation on behalf of the residents of Lawrence Road and the surrounding area in the hope that the council would review the parking arrangements for Westbourne. He stated that residents in parking Zone W had suffered from changes to Zone L which had led to people moving their into the area and shuffling between spaces outside of the restricted hours. As such and following a survey of the affected residents, the deputation asked for the parking restrictions to be reviewed and the residents consulted with a view to introducing a full parking scheme in Zone W. He referred to the outcome of the survey as detailed in the deputation and hoped that action could be taken to improve the residents’ situation.
62.3 Councillor Mitchell thanked Mr. Lyons for attending the meeting and speaking on behalf of the deputation. She stated that she would be happy to carefully consider the deputation at the committee meeting and determine what action should then be taken.
62.4 The Mayor thanked Mr. Lyons for attending the meeting and speaking on behalf of the deputation. She explained that the points had been noted and the deputation would be referred to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee for consideration. The persons forming the deputation would be invited to attend the meeting and would be informed subsequently of any action to be taken or proposed in relation to the matter set out in the deputation.
62.5 The Mayor invited Ms. Fisher as the spokesperson for the second deputation to come forward and address the council. The Mayor also noted that the first petition listed for debate under Item 63(1) on the agenda related to the same subject as the deputation. She stated that she was therefore inclined to take the deputation and the petition together before calling on Councillor Mitchell to respond to both and then opening the matter up for debate.
62.6 Ms. Fisher thanked the Mayor and stated that she represented Extinction Rebellion which was an interest group of ordinary people who wanted to ensure a world fit for generations to come. She noted that average global temperatures were increasing and that without any action being taken it was likely to lead to the extinction of species across the world. It also meant that a climate disaster was literally on the city’s doorstep, an increase of 1.5 degrees would see areas of Brighton and Hove under water in a matter of years. It was the Council’s duty to protect its citizens and there were approximately 11 years left to make a difference and to encourage governments globally to act. If the Council declared a climate emergency then other authorities and governments would have to take notice and look to reduce carbon emissions and support actions to address climate change. She hoped that the Council would support her deputation.
62.7 The Mayor thanked Ms. Fisher and stated that she would take the petition for debate listed as Item 63 (1) on the agenda (see item 63 (1) in the minutes).
62.8 Following the debate on the petition presented by Mr. Gunbie, the Mayor thanked Ms. Fisher for attending the meeting and speaking on behalf of the deputation. She stated that the deputation would be referred to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee for consideration at its meeting on the 19th March, 2019. The persons forming the deputation would be invited to attend the meeting and would be informed subsequently of any action to be taken or proposed in relation to the matter set out in the deputation.
Supporting documents:
Item 62 Deputations, item 62.
PDF 453 KB View as HTML (62./1) 6 MB
Item 62 (2) Climate Emergency Supporting info, item 62.
PDF 380 KB