Agenda item - Appointment of Chair and Deputy Chair to the Children, Young People & Skills Committee
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Agenda item
Appointment of Chair and Deputy Chair to the Children, Young People & Skills Committee
To appoint Councillors Hamilton and Chapman respectively as the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee for the remainder of the municipal year.
64.1 The Mayor stated that the next item sought to appoint the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee, following the previous Chair’s decision to stand down from the role and the resignation of councillor Penn who had been the Deputy Chair. She noted that Councillors Hamilton and Chapman had been put forward for the roles of Chair and Deputy Chair respectively asked if there were any further nominations.
64.2 Councillor Mac Cafferty expressed his concern over the fact that this would result in a third Chair of the Committee during the term of the Administration. He also questioned the decision to propose the Finance Lead to the role of Chair, given the demand on their time for budget setting purposes.
64.3 Councillor Yates stated that the Administration was entitled to put forward their nominations for the roles and there was nothing to prevent changes happening in-year. He therefore felt it was appropriate put forward Councillors Hamilton and Chapman as Chair and Deputy Chair.
64.4 The Mayor noted that there were no other nominations for the roles and moved that Councillor Hamilton be appointed as the Chair of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee with immediate effect.
64.5 RESOLVED: That Councillor Hamilton be appointed as the Chair of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee.
64.6 The Mayor then moved that Councillor Chapman be appointed as Deputy Chair of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee.
64.7 RESOLVED: That Councillor Chapman be appointed as the Deputy Chair of the Children, Young People & Skills Committee.