Agenda item - Hackney Carriage Vehicle Transfer and Private Hire Door Sign Amendments
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Agenda item
Hackney Carriage Vehicle Transfer and Private Hire Door Sign Amendments
- Meeting of Licensing Committee (Non Licensing Act 2003 Functions), Thursday, 14th March, 2019 3.00pm (Item 25.)
- View the background to item 25.
Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached)
RESOLVED – (1) That Members agree to remove the requirement that a Hackney Carriage Vehicle must become wheelchair accessible following transfer to another person but confirm that existing complusory wheelchair accessible vehicles must remain wheelchair accessible; and
(2) Non-wheelchair accessible vehicle proprietors would have a choice, on transfer, of whether to change the type of vehicle or not; and
(3) That Members approve the generic Private Hire door sign as shown in appendix 1 to the report.
25.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods Communities and Housing which requested Members to consider whether it was appropriate for a Hackney Carriage Vehicle to continue to be required to be wheelchair accessible following transfer to another person. Members were also asked to consider whether to approve a generic private hire door sign.
25.2 Councillors Wares and Hyde considered that the recommendation as set out in Recommendation 1 of the report represented a pragmatic and sensible way forward, and that Recommendation 3 would be superfluous. It would be appropriate however for each of the report recommendations to be voted on separately in their view.
25.3 Councillor Wares also considered that it would be appropriate for the situation to continue to be monitored and to form the basis of further discussions at a future Taxi Forum meeting as appropriate.
25.4 Councillors Marsh and Gilbey and Morris also concurred with the views expressed
25.5 RESOLVED – (1) That Members agree to remove the requirement that a Hackney Carriage Vehicle must become wheelchair accessible following transfer to another person but confirm that existing compulsory wheelchair accessible vehicles must remain wheelchair accessible; and
(2) Non-wheelchair accessible vehicle proprietors would have a choice, on transfer, of whether to change the type of vehicle or not; and
(3) That Members approve the generic Private Hire door sign as shown in appendix 1 to the report.
Supporting documents:
Blue Book Amendment, item 25.
PDF 124 KB View as HTML (25./1) 36 KB
Blue Book Amendment APX. n 1, item 25.
PDF 168 KB View as HTML (25./2) 1 MB
Blue Book Amendment APX. n 2, item 25.
PDF 105 KB View as HTML (25./3) 13 KB
Blue Book Amendment APX. n 3, item 25.
PDF 418 KB