Agenda item - Reports from Overview & Scrutiny Committees

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Agenda item

Reports from Overview & Scrutiny Committees

a) Ice Rink – Queens Square (copy to follow)


(1)   That their decision of the 12th February as regards the disposal of the Queens Square Ice Rink site stands.


(2)   To respond to the further recommendations of OSC as set out below


(a)That the decision taken by Cabinet on 12 February 2009 in relation to the disposal of the Ice Rink, Queen Square, be noted.


(b) That the subsequent call-in request be noted.


(c) That the additional information supplied by the Interim Director of Finance and Resources be noted.


(3) That the recommendations (b – d) are not accepted; namely


(b) That the Planning Department be requested to draw up a robust Planning Framework for this site that would include consultation with the local community before any subsequent decision is taken


(c)  That this Planning Framework be appended to any future cabinet report pertaining to the disposal of this site


(d) That relevant extracts from the Hotel Futures Supplementary Planning Guidance be appended to any future Cabinet report if it is decided to pursue the option of an hotel for the site


2.4       (a) To accept the recommendation that Cabinet ensure that the Council consults properly with Ward Councillors


(b)       To note the recommendation that, in consultations with Ward Councillors it is made clear that their views are being sought and that relevant information will be available to them to form a view. And that a reasonable timeframe for requesting further information and for replies to be made be clearly indicated.



185.1  The Cabinet considered a report of the Interim Director of Strategy & Governance that reported the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission in respect of their ‘call-in’ of the Cabinet decision made on 12th February 2009 as regards the disposal of the former ice rink site in Queens Square (for copy see minute book).


185.2  The Chairman thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Commission for their report and recommendations and noted the speed with which the scrutiny had been carried out.


185.2  RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet rejected the following recommendation:


(1)   To amend the Cabinet decision of the 12th February as regards the disposal of the Queens Square Ice Rink site.


The Cabinet responded to the further recommendations of OSC as set out below;


(a)That the decision taken by Cabinet on 12 February 2009 in relation to the disposal of the Ice Rink, Queen Square, be noted.


(b) That the subsequent call-in request be noted.


(c) That the additional information supplied by the Interim Director of Finance and Resources be noted.


(3) That recommendations (b – d) are not accepted; namely


(b) That the Planning Department be requested to draw up a robust Planning Framework for this site that would include consultation with the local community before any subsequent decision is taken


(c)  That this Planning Framework be appended to any future cabinet report pertaining to the disposal of this site


(d) That relevant extracts from the Hotel Futures Supplementary Planning Guidance be appended to any future Cabinet report if it is decided to pursue the option of an hotel for the site


(4)       (a) To accept the recommendation that Cabinet ensure that the Council consults properly with Ward Councillors


(b)       To note the recommendation that, in consultations with Ward Councillors it is made clear that their views are being sought and that relevant information will be available to them to form a view. And that a reasonable timeframe for requesting further information and for replies to be made be clearly indicated.

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