Agenda item - Minutes

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Agenda item


To consider the minutes of the meetings held on 22 January and 7 February 2019.


69.1      Referring to minute item 66.29, Councillor West asked what engagement with Members had taken place in relation to event space at Valley Gardens.


69.2      The Chair clarified that the lead opposition spokespersons for the respective political groups had been invited to a briefing with officers and herself that would provide further, more detailed updates and facilitation of discussion.


69.3      Councillor West expressed his concern that matters had not been progressed quick enough in relation to events to be held on Valley Gardens.


69.4      The Chair answered that the meeting was not intended to address the specific points raised by event organisers but to discuss progress on the entire project. The Chair added that discussions were continuing with event organisers and that would remain the case throughout the construction phase.


69.5      Councillor Littman noted that the recorded votes listed at item 66.60 were incorrect and should read:


Councillor Atkinson: For

Councillor Brown: Against

Councillor Horan: For

Councillor Littman: For

Councillor Miller: Not Present

Councillor Mitchell: For

Councillor Peltzer Dunn: Against

Councillor Robins: For

Councillor Wares: Against

Councillor West: For


Furthermore, Councillor Littman enquired as to progress made in obtaining independent legal advice.


69.6      The Chair stated that that the independent legal advice received would be shared with the lead spokesperson at the aforementioned meeting as per the recommendation.


69.7      RESOLVED- That the minutes of the previous meetings held on 22 January and 7 February 2019 be approved and signed as the correct record subject to the correction identified at item 69.5.

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