Agenda item - The Role of Public Libraries in Communities

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Agenda item

The Role of Public Libraries in Communities

Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached)


RESOLVED – (1) That Committee members note the direction of travel for Libraries in the city; and


(2) That Committee members request a report on the development of the new Libraries Plan for 2020-24 be brought back to them in Autumn 2019.


65.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods Communities and Housing updating Members on the role of public libraries in achieving strategic outcomes for local communities illustrating how the direction of travel for libraries tied in with and went beyond the Neighbourhoods and development work championed by this Committee. The recommendations set out in the report were agreed without discussion.


62.5    RESOLVED – (1) That Committee members note the direction of travel for Libraries in the city; and


(2) That Committee members request a report on the development of the new Libraries Plan for 2020-24 be brought back to them in Autumn 2019.

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