Agenda item - Member Involvement

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Agenda item

Member Involvement

To consider a Notice of Motion referred from 30 January 2019 Council (copy attached)


37.1    Members considered a Notice of Motion referred from Full Council in January 2019.


37.2    Cllr Janio told the committee that there is land set aside for a secondary school on the Toad Hole Valley development could be used for medical facilities now that a school is no longer required. A small hospital could be built on the site which could provide screening services, a minor injuries unit and some mental health facilities etc. This would mean that people from Hove and Portslade would not have to travel all the way to the Royal Sussex for treatment.


37.3    Cllr Allen noted that Hove already has a polyclinic and mental health hospital offering this type of provision, and he saw no need for these services to be duplicated.


37.4    Cllr Marsh noted that she was hesitant to make a recommendation given that this was the last meeting of the electoral cycle.


37.5    Cllr Greenbaum stated that she was not personally convinced of the need for additional facilities in Hove, but supported the request to have a report come to the HOSC.


37.6    RESOLVED – that a report from the CCG on healthcare provision on Hove and Portslade be requested and presented to a future HOSC meeting.

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