Agenda item - Hackney Carriage Fare Review

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Agenda item

Hackney Carriage Fare Review

Report of the Executive Director, Communities, Neighbourhoods and Housing (copy attached)


RESOLVED - (1) That Committee approves the proposed fare increases and authorises the Head of Safer Communities to advertise the proposed variation in fares, and invite any objections in accordance with the legal requirements.


                        (2) The Committee agree that if no objections are made, or if any objections which are made are withdrawn, the varied table of fares will come into force in accordance with the statutory scheme ;and


(3) The Committee reconsider the matter at the next meeting of this Committee if valid objections are made but not withdrawn. As there are strict legal timescales relating to fare reviews a special meeting of this Committee may be required.


6.1       The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods Communities and Housing seeking the Committee’s approval and authority to advertise proposed fare increases following the hackney carriage trade’s request for an increase in fares.


6.2       Councillor West stated that it appeared that the yardage rate appeared to have dropped, considering that represented a retrograde step, this had been “bottom loaded” in the past to seek to deter shorter journeys.


6.3       Councillor Hill sought clarification in respect of the equalities implications referred to considering that it was regrettable that an increase was being sought at this time but noting that there had not been an increase for some time and that this had been requested by the trade.


6.4       Councillor Wares noted that although some of the percentage increases appeared quite high, there had been no increase in fares for four years. He sought clarification that if objections were received they would be referred to back to Committee and it was confirmed that they would, if no objections were received they would be implemented as set out in the report. In terms of continuing to monitor un-met demand he considered that this should be on-going with periodic reports back to Committee but should not delay implementation of the new fares structure.


6.5       Councillor Janio agreed stating that the trade operated in a market place which was open to competition and that as the trade was requesting these increases they should be supported as operators clearly considered that the market could bear these increases.


6.6       RESOLVED - (1) That Committee approves the proposed fare increases and authorises the Head of Safer Communities to advertise the proposed variation in fares, and invite any objections in accordance with the legal requirements.


          (2) The Committee agree that if no objections are made, or if any objections which are made are withdrawn, the varied table of fares will come into force in accordance with the statutory scheme; and


         (3) The Committee reconsider the matter at the next meeting of this Committee if valid objections are made but not withdrawn. As there are strict legal timescales relating to fare reviews a special meeting of this Committee may be required.

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