Agenda item - Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan – Council response to Regulation 14 consultation

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Agenda item

Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan – Council response to Regulation 14 consultation

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


1)           That the Committee agrees the officer comments set out in Appendix 1 which have been submitted to the Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum as a draft response to its recent public consultation on the Draft Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.


13.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that set out the Council’s response to the Draft Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan that was published for consultation between 23 March and 11 May 2019 under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) regulations 2012.


13.2      Councillor Ebel ask for clarification on the assertion that the area had potential to deliver a higher number of properties than identified in the City Plan.


13.3      The Planning Manager answered that the Neighbourhood Plan could make that suggestion and officers would consider that suggestion and the likely impacts as that was not currently clear.


13.4      Councillor O’Quinn stated that she was surprised about the comments made on traffic as she knew residents were very concerned, particularly in relation to the proposed development on Sackville Road.


13.5      The Planning Manager replied that a number of observations had been made about extending the current Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) that was not something that could be addressed through a Neighbourhood Plan. It was explained that this process would provide clarity on what could be done to ensure the Plan was sound when it reached the Planning Inspector.


13.6      Councillor O’Quinn asked for confirmation that if an area had a Neighbourhood Plan, residents could determine the allocation of 25% of S106 funding.


13.7      The Planning Manager confirmed that to be the case and that would rise from a level of 15% for those areas without a Plan.


13.8      Councillor Grimshaw asked why the Plan did not include the Conway Street Masterplan.


13.9      The Planning Manager explained that a Masterplan was a Supplementary Planning Document that provided guidance on future development amongst a hierarchy of other planning documents.


13.10   Councillor Nemeth stated a map of the area the Plan would include would have been helpful as the boundary was curious.


13.11   Councillor Mac Cafferty supported the statement made by Councillor Nemeth and noted his concern relating to an increase in traffic relating to the Sackville Road development and the potential for a CPZ. Councillor Mac Cafferty noted that the only time he recalled that parking enforcement had been part of the planning process was for the development of the Amex Stadium.


13.12   The Head of Planning stated that there was a set programme for consultation upon and introduction of CPZ’s and the planning process could not directly influence that process.


13.13   Councillor Druitt stated that the Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum had conducted an outstanding process on community engagement and consultation and asked if other areas could learn from the process.


13.14   The Planning Manager stated that there were currently five designated Forums in the city and if they had interest in developing a Plan the Council could assist and advise on that and provide help and information.


13.15   RESOLVED- That the Committee agrees the officer comments set out in Appendix 1 which have been submitted to the Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum as a draft response to its recent public consultation on the Draft Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.

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