Agenda item - Provision of drinking water fountains and bottle filling points in high footfall areas of the city

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Agenda item

Provision of drinking water fountains and bottle filling points in high footfall areas of the city

Report of the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached)


RESOLVED: That the Committee approved Option 1, to provide drinking water fountains and bottle filling points in six high footfall areas of the city for a trial period of three years when the success of the project would be reviewed and consideration given to increasing the water fountain provision across the city.



15.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Economy Environment & Culture regarding the provision of drinking water fountains and bottle filling points in high footfall areas of the City.


15.2    The Chair noted that there was an amendment from the Conservative Group and asked Councillor Wares to introduce it.


15.3    Councillor Wares referred to the Financial Implications in the report and said that if the intention was that SCRIF would fund the initiative it should say so in the recommendations, and that Option 2 with funding through sponsorship or advertising would be preferable.  Councillor Wares proposed the following amendment (changes in bold)


2.1      That the Policy, Resources & Growth Committee approve option 1 2 which shall  befunded from the Sustainability & Carbon Reduction Investment Fund (SCRIF) (subject to the process agreed by the Committee in relation to the Sustainability and Carbon Investment Fund report), to provide drinking water fountains and bottle filling points in 6 x high footfall areas of the City for a trial period of 3 years when the success of the project will be reviewed and consideration given to increasing the water fountain provision across the City, this will be the subject of a further report to Policy, Resources & Growth Committee.


15.4    Councillor Mears seconded the amendment.


15.5    Councillor Pissaridou said that it may be possible to get funding through advertising or sponsorship, but it was appropriate to leave it to chance, and as the funding was available it should be used, and therefore she would not be supporting the amendment.


15.6    Councillor Mac Cafferty suggested that developers be encouraged to provide water fountains for new developments.


15.7    Councillor Clare felt that having six fountains was too few, and there would some areas of the city with no access to them. She asked why the trial was for three years. Officers advised that it would take time to install them all, and then the usage would need to be monitored.


15.8    Councillor Mears noted that there were no fountains planned for the east of the city and three years was a long time to wait to consider whether further sites should be used. Having advertising and sponsorship would generate money which would help pressure on budgets.


15.9    The Committee voted on the amendment and it was not agreed.  


15.10  RESOLVED: That the Committee approved Option 1, to provide drinking water fountains and bottle filling points in six high footfall areas of the city for a trial period of three years when the success of the project would be reviewed and consideration given to increasing the water fountain provision across the city.

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