Agenda item - Development of a Community Health Hub at the Brighton General Hospital Site: Update

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Agenda item

Development of a Community Health Hub at the Brighton General Hospital Site: Update

Report of the Executive Lead, Strategy, Governance & Law (copy attached)


8.1       This item was presented by Peter Prentice, Strategic Director Estates & Facilities, and Geoff Braterman, Head of Health Planning, from Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust (SCFT).


8.2       In answer to a question from Cllr Druitt on where services would move to in the development, Mr Braterman told the committee that all patient services would be retained on the Brighton General Hospital (BGH) site, which the exception of some Brighton & Sussex University services which will be returned to the Royal Sussex County Hospital once the development of that site has been completed.


8.3       In response to a query from Cllr Druitt on the impact of Brexit, Mr Braterman told members that this was far from certain, but that there is a robust project risk assessment process that seeks to control project risks (e.g. of increased materials cost) as far as is possible. The BGH scheme is pushing ahead irrespective of Brexit, with SCFT using its own capital to progress things where necessary.


8.4       In response to a question from Cllr Hills as to whether the development of a Community Health Hub (CHH) is separate from the development of housing on the site, Mr Prentice explained that the land sale will fund the CHH. SCFT is agnostic about the form of the land sale, but it needs to generate sufficient revenue to fund the CHH. SCFT is not seeking an additional profit from the land sale and is not simply seeking to sell to the highest bidder. Mr Braterman added that the current healthcare facilities on site are far from adequate, for example in terms of disability access, and that the CHH is urgently needed. The only way to fund the CHH is via some form of land sale.


8.5       In answer to a query from Cllr McNair as to whether the BGH site was the best place for a CHH, Mr Braterman told members that a site was needed in the east of the city; Hove polyclinic already serves the west. The BGH site is perhaps not ideally located given the hilly terrain, but it is the best option available.


8.6       Cllr Evans asked a question about whether the BGH plans and/or the re-siting of the ambulance station at the BGH site potentially constitute a substantial variation in service (SViS) requiring formal consultation with the HOSC. The scrutiny support officer responded that advice was that the plans to develop a CHH should not be considered as SViS because they represent an unambiguous service improvement; there is little obvious scope for members to engage with the plans to improve clinical services, and the housing element of the scheme is not within the HOSC’s statutory remit.


 In terms of the ambulance station, South East Coast NHS Ambulance Trust (SECAmb) is undertaking a reconfiguration of ambulance services across Sussex, which includes the development of a new station at Falmer. The BGH site is consequently surplus to requirement. Both SECAmb’s plans and SCFT’s plans to develop the CHH have been previously considered by the HOSC.


8.7       RESOLVED – that the report be noted.

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