Agenda item - Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan
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Agenda item
Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan
- Meeting of Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee, Thursday, 5th March, 2020 4.00pm (Item 60.)
- View the background to item 60.
Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture.
RESOLVED: That the Committee
1. Noted the representations made to the Waste and Minerals Local Plan Review Scoping Consultation and Call for Sites undertaken from 25
September to 20 November 2017 (summarised in Appendix 1);
2. Approved the publication of draft revised policies for public consultation, together with the following supporting documents: Sustainability Appraisal, Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and Equalities Impact Assessment.
60.1 The report was introduced by Steve Tremlett, Principle Planning Officer.
60.2 Councillor Rainey asked about the reliance on imported minerals and asked where they were sourced and what the possible environmental impact of the transport arrangements. The Principle Planning Officer replied that gravel was still being transported some distance from the East of the county to Brighton and Hove. He also stated that some came from Surrey and marine- dredged aggregates came from Shoreham Harbour. He stated that they had requested that the impact of this would be taken into account within the planning and environmental processes.
60.3 Councillor Nemeth raised the issue of Waste disposal, stating that there could be up to 50 companies in the City owning up to 100 caged vehicles who dispose of waste which would incur 100 trips to a waste transfer station – which had previously been delivered to the Moulsecoomb site. However, now if zero flytipping was to be achieved, this waste now had to be transferred to Newhaven. He highlighted the knock-on effect for the building trade in addition to litter on the A27. He confirmed that the Conservatives would not support this report, but would abstain in order to alert the committee to this problem.
60.4 The Principle Planning Officer replied that this was a valid point and that a lack of waste sites could be a problem.
60.5 Councillor Hill stated that flytipping was a massive issue in the city and that possibly amnesty days were required.
60.6 Councillor Nemeth stated that the Council needed to look at the policy on existing tips. Councillor Mears added that the Council should look into at the waste tip at Sheepcote Valley.
60.7 Nick Hibberd, Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture stated that the ETS Committee had been asked to look at the change in waste disposal. He stated that through the Environments Bill, they were aware of the effects of Newhaven and that these concerns could be brought to the ETS committee in the future.
60.8 Councillor Hill asked if there was a shortage in the supply of minerals. The Principle Planning Officer replied that the local quarry was providing 100K per year, but a robust supply was required which involved liaising with other councils.
60.9 RESOLVED: That the Committee
1. Noted the representations made to the Waste and Minerals Local Plan Review Scoping Consultation and Call for Sites undertaken from 25 September to 20 November 2017 (summarised in Appendix 1);
2. Approved the publication of draft revised policies for public consultation, together with the following supporting documents: Sustainability Appraisal, Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and Equalities Impact Assessment.
Supporting documents:
Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan, item 60.
PDF 146 KB View as HTML (60./1) 32 KB
Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan APX. n 1, item 60.
PDF 290 KB View as HTML (60./2) 23 KB
Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan APX. n 2, item 60.
PDF 224 KB View as HTML (60./3) 10 KB
Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan APX. n 3, item 60.