Agenda item - To consider and determine planning applications
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Agenda item
To consider and determine planning applications
Please note that the published order of the agenda may be changed; major applications will always be heard first; however, the order of the minor applications may be amended to allow those applications with registered speakers to be heard first.
a. The Democratic Services officer read out the items on the agenda for the Committee to state if they wished to discuss each item. It was noted that Major items and those items with public speakers were automatically reserved for discussion.
b. It was noted that the following items were not called for discussion and it was therefore deemed that the officer recommendations were agreed including the proposed Conditions and Informatives:
· Item F: BH2019/01385 - Vardean College, Surrenden Road, Brighton
· Item J: BH2018/00995 - 5b Station Road, Portslade
· Item K: BH2019/00656 – 15 Norwich Drive, Brighton
· Item O: BH2019/00908 – Flat 1, 9-10 Carlton Terrace, Portslade