Agenda item - BH2019/00199 - The Astoria, 10 Gloucester Place, Brighton - Removal or Variation of a Condition
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Agenda item
BH2019/00199 - The Astoria, 10 Gloucester Place, Brighton - Removal or Variation of a Condition
Application for variation of condition 1 of application BH2017/04022 (Construction of a new part 3/part 7 storey building (plus basement) to form 70 no. one, two, three and four bedroom self-contained residential units (C3) and incorporating commercial units (A1/A2/B1) in the basement and on the ground floor fronting Gloucester Place, a community room (D1) on the ground floor fronting Blenheim Place together with refuse/recycling facilities, cycle storage and other associated works) to make amendments to the lower ground floor and front and rear elevation.
Ward Affected: St Peter’s & North Laine
1. Principal Planning Officer, Stewart Glassar, introduced the application and gave a detailed presentation by reference to site plans, photographs and elevational drawings detailing the proposed scheme. The main considerations for this application relate to the minor design changes to the elevations and the re-instatement of a larger basement area to provide ancillary space to the approved retail / café use at the ground floor level. It was noted that two new staircases were included in the application and the Section 106 agreement included increased payments to transport.
Questions for officer
2. Councillor Daniel Yates was informed that the ‘x’ on p.319 ‘of the report was 8.17.
3. Councillor Joe Miller requested that materials come before the chairs pre-meeting?? but was advised that the materials were already agreed.
4. None
5. The Committee were invited to vote on the officer’s recommendation to be MINDED TO GRANT planning permission.
Vote: All Agreed.
RESOLVED: The Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves to be MINDED TO GRANT planning permission subject to a Deed of Variation to the S106 agreement dated 8 December 2016 and the conditions and informatives set out in the report, SAVE THAT should the S106 Deed of Variation Planning Obligation not be completed on or before 2 October 2019, the Head of Planning is hereby authorised to refuse planning permission for the reasons set out in section 8.17 of the report.
Supporting documents:
- Header BH2019_00199 The Astoria 10 - 14 Gloucester Place, item 15E PDF 22 KB View as HTML (15E/1) 26 KB
- BH2019_00199 The Astoria 10 - 14 Gloucester Place, item 15E PDF 98 KB
- ReportBH2019_00199 The Astoria 10 - 14 Gloucester Place.pdf, item 15E PDF 209 KB View as HTML (15E/3) 38 KB