Agenda item - BH2018/02667-Land to the rear of 17 Springfield Road, Brighton- Full Planning
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Agenda item
BH2018/02667-Land to the rear of 17 Springfield Road, Brighton- Full Planning
Erection of 1no two bedroom single storey detached dwelling (C3).
Ward Affectted – Preston Park
1. Matthew Gest, Principal Planning Officer, introduced the application and gave a detailed presentation by reference to site plans, photographs and elevational drawings detailing the proposed scheme. The main considerations for this application relate to the impact of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the development and the impact on the wider area, the standard of accommodation provided, the impact on the amenities of the neighbours and the transport and sustainability issues. It was noted that this was a car free proposal.
Questions for officer
2. Councillor Dee Simson was informed that the extra floors would require planning permission as Permitted Development rights had been withdrawn by condition.
3. Councillor Carol Theobald was informed that the proposed dwelling would have both front and rear gardens. Objectors who live near the application site are noted more than those who live further away.
4. Councillor Carol Theobald considered that this backland development would affect lots of neighbours and was not positive about the proposal.
5. Councillor Daniel Yates considered the proposal to be good with little impact on the neighbours.
6. Councillor Siriol Hugh-Jones noted the neighbours to the east of the site are commercial properties with residential above.
7. The Committee were invited to vote on the officer’s recommendation to GRANT planning permission.
For = 7. Against = 1, Abstentions = 0. (Councillor Joe Miller and Phelim Mac Cafferty not present).
RESOLVED: The Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report.
Supporting documents:
- Header BH2018,02667 Land to the rear of 17 Springfield Road, item 15H PDF 22 KB View as HTML (15H/1) 26 KB
- BH2018,02667 Land to the rear of 17 Springfield Road, item 15H PDF 101 KB
- ReportBH2018,02667 Land to the rear of 17 Springfield Road, item 15H PDF 94 KB View as HTML (15H/3) 36 KB