Agenda item - City Environment Modernisation Update

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Agenda item

City Environment Modernisation Update

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


1)            That the Committee notes the progress made through the City Environment Modernisation Programme.


2)            That the Committee approves the introduction of the communal recycling scheme in Lewes Road Triangle.


3)            That the Committee agrees, in principle, to the introduction of the new communal bin system.


4)            That the Committee agrees, in principle, to the expansion of the communal bin scheme.


36.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that provided an update on the City Environment Modernisation Programme and also presented the results from the consultation and sought approval for the introduction of a communal recycling scheme for Lewes Road Triangle, as well as further changes and improvements to the existing communal refuse and recycling scheme.


36.2      Councillor Heley asked for further information on the supplier of communal bins, based in Italy and recently put into administration. Further, Councillor Heley asked when a delivery of new bins was anticipated.


36.3      The Assistant Director, City Environment clarified that the communal bins collection system in the city was similar to that in Italy although almost unique in England and the council’s UK supplier of bins had been put in administration. A timescale for the deliver of new bins was uncertain as there were legal issues to resolve although it was hoped a deliver would be made next month.


36.4      Councillor Wares stated that the report made a series of inaccurate observations and understatements and did not correctly reflect the enormous problems with refuse and recycling collection experienced in the city of late. Councillor Wares stated that the RAG system provided a picture of a modernisation process that was not meeting its progress targets and the committee needed absolute clarity on the date by which the current issues would be resolved. Councillor Wares added that an urgent discussion was required on how the council dealt with the service in terms of contingencies, back up and bringing outside agencies in to adequately cover breakdowns in the service. Councillor Wares expressed his disappointment that once more, there was no reference to the potential industrial action, an issue that was ongoing.


36.5      In relation to paragraph 3.14, Councillor Davis asked for an update on the budget allocated for the end of term student recycling.


36.6      The Assistant Director, City Environment explained that due to ongoing issues with the refuse and recycling service, not a great deal of progress had been made with students although some work had been undertaken with students and flyers handed out at the recent freshers event. An option being considered was more active participation with students, potentially involving a student led education and awareness campaign.


36.7      Councillor Brown stated that she had some concern about expanding the communal bins collection area when there was so much disruption to the existing service. Councillor Brown added her concern that when bins were eventually emptied, the area around the bins was often left in a poor state with not all the rubbish collected.


36.8      The Assistant Director, City Environment explained that many of the problems encountered was due to being reliant on a very specific system and very specific equipment and proposals were being considered to bring in a more standardised system to alleviate that and reduce risk. The Assistant Director, City Environment explained that street crews had been sent out during the recent service disruption however, there was so much refuse that it was a significant challenge to collect it all. This issue would be one considered as part of the round restructure.


36.9      Councillor West stated that the problems being encountered were not new and was a political issue that needed to be resolved by the administration.


36.10   The Chair stated that the problems being encountered went further back than 2015 and the administration were making every effort to resolve them.


36.11   RESOLVED-  


1)            That the Committee notes the progress made through the City Environment Modernisation Programme.


2)            That the Committee approves the introduction of the communal recycling scheme in Lewes Road Triangle.


3)            That the Committee agrees, in principle, to the introduction of the new communal bin system.


4)            That the Committee agrees, in principle, to the expansion of the communal bin scheme.

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