Agenda item - Families, Children and Learning Fees and Charges

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Agenda item

Families, Children and Learning Fees and Charges

Report of the Executive Director for Families, Children & Learning (Copy attached)


Contact Officer: Caroline Parker                                       Tel: 01273 293568


Ward Affected: All Wards




1.         That the position on fees charged for nurseries as detailed in section 3.3 be agreed.


2.         That the position on fees and charges for Childcare Workforce Development as detailed in section 3.4 be agreed.


3.         That the position on fees and charges for the Early Years Quality Improvement Programme as detailed in section 3.4.7 be agreed.


4.         That the position on the charges for school meals as detailed in section 3.5 be noted.


50.1    The Committee considered the report of the Interim Executive Director Families, Children and Learning. The report was introduced by the Head of Service – Early Years Youth & Family Support.


50.2    The Committee were provided with a brief overview of the report which sought to review the Families, Children and Learning Services fees and charges in accordance with the corporate policy. It was noted that there was a request for a standard increase of 2%.


50.3    Councillor Brown noted the rise in cost of the Quilt Quality Improvement Programme to £150 per module.


50.4    Councillor Nield sought clarification on nurseries facing difficulties.


50.5    The Head of Services – Early Years Youth & Family Support stated hat it was not yet possible to provide further information and that nurseries had found the increase of minimum wage difficult.


50.6    Councillor Wilkinson enquired if the process of contract tendering had begun and if local companies could tender.


50.7    The Head of Services – Early Years Youth & Family Support stated that the tender had been advertised and that this was drawn for the attention of local companies. It was noted the BHCC did not have the capacity to provide this in house.


50.8    Councillor Knight enquired if it was possible to start tapping in to produce milk provision from local farms.


50.9    The Head of Services – Early Years Youth & Family Support agreed to look at this.


50.10  RESOLVED:


1.         That the position on fees charged for nurseries as detailed in section 3.3 be agreed.


2.         That the position on fees and charges for Childcare Workforce Development as detailed in section 3.4 be agreed.


3.         That the position on fees and charges for the Early Years Quality Improvement Programme as detailed in section 3.4.7 be agreed.


4.         That the position on the charges for school meals as detailed in section 3.5 be noted.

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