Agenda item - Transport for children and young people with SEND
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Agenda item
Transport for children and young people with SEND
- Meeting of Children, Young People & Skills Committee, Monday, 13th January, 2020 4.00pm (Item 53.)
- View the background to item 53.
Report of the Executive Director for Families, Children & Learning (Copy attached)
Contact Officer: Jo Lyons / Tel: 01273 293514
Georgina Clarke-Green 01273 292257
Ward Affected: All Wards
1. That the progress made with addressing concerns about the operation of the home to school transport service be noted by Committee.
2. That the progress in the establishment of the independent review team and policy panel be noted by Committee.
53.1 The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director Families, Children & Learning which provided an overview off the on-going actions being taken to address the issues that occurred at the start of the new academic year and further provided an update on the progress in relation to the independent review and the Member policy panel which had been established. The report was introduced by the Assistant Director – Education & Skills and the Assistant Director – Health SEN & Disabilities.
53.2 Councillor Clare stated that the panel would be looking at any issues currently ongoing and that representatives from various groups would be invited.
53.3 Councillor brown sought clarification as to the issue of getting children from taxis to schools.
53.4 The Assistant Director – Education & Skills stated that work had been undertaken with Amaze and PaCC and that nothing would be agreed until consultations had ended. It was noted that other authorities across the country were being looked at for research purposes regarding this issue.
53.5 Councillor Simson enquired as to which panel would be focusing on health and safety matters.
53.6 The Assistant Director – Health SEN & Disabilities stated that both the independent review and policy panels would be dealing with health and safety.
53.7 The Managing Principal noted that there was a list of consideration to be taken by the policy panel and that many would overlap with the independent review.
53.8 The Chair clarified that recommendations of outcomes of the independent review and policy panel would be made available to the public and that a range of recommendations would be brought to Committee to be voted on. It was noted that any resulting changes would not be made overnight.
53.9 Councillor Simson sought clarification of costs and for any further information regarding overspend.
53.10 The Assistant Director – Education & Skills clarified that the policy panel would look at this and that the Finance and Management team were looking at the overspend. It was noted that the cost implications were brought on as a result of the necessary actions needed to be taken at the time
1. That the progress made with addressing concerns about the operation of the home to school transport service be noted by Committee.
2. That the progress in the establishment of the independent review team and policy panel be noted by Committee.
Supporting documents:
Transport for children and young people with SEND, item 53.
PDF 239 KB View as HTML (53./1) 32 KB
Appendix 1 Terms of Reference for Member Policy Panel, item 53.
PDF 123 KB