Agenda item - Mental Health update report: School Wellbeing Service Trailblazer
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Agenda item
Mental Health update report: School Wellbeing Service Trailblazer
- Meeting of Children, Young People & Skills Committee, Monday, 16th September, 2019 4.00pm (Item 20.)
- View the background to item 20.
Report of the Executive Director for Families, Children & Learning (copy attached)
Contact Officer: Mohammed Bham, Tel: 01273 290732
Gill Brooks 01273 293568
Wards affected: All Wards
1. That the implication of the implementation of the Trailblazer (Mental Health Support Team in schools) in Brighton & Hove be noted.
20.1 An NHS Officer provided an overview of the paper which sought to update the Committee on the successful outcome of the Schools Trailblazer submission (Mental Health Support Team in Schools).
20.2 Councillor Hills referred to item 3.31 and enquired if select groups in the City would be involved and to what extent BHCC were supporting parents at Varndean.
20.3 The NHS Officer stated the mental health support team had worked out the population base and concluded that many could benefit from support. It was noted that St Luke’s was singles out as they fit the criteria for enhance support. It was further noted that there were letters and newsletters which included further details available and that the school wellbeing service were present as part of the core team along with CAMHS. Drop in sessions and letters sent out to GPs were also undertaken.
20.4 The Chair requested that officers liaised with Councillor Hills on this issue.
20.5 Councillor McNair stated that it was evident that Mental Health plans had reached diminishing returns and enquired if it was the case that the focus of the team had become too wide reaching. Reference was made to the prominent Social Psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s findings regarding children who were left un-supervised pre 1980.
20.6 An NHS Officer stated that the issue was complicated and that efforts were being made to raise awareness in the pursuit of reducing stigma. It was further noted that the team had problem catching up with services and that many positions were considered.
20.7 Councillor McNair noted that suicide among women was largely increasing and that further options should be considered in dealing with this issue.
20.8 Councillor Brown enquired if there was more certainty regarding finances.
20.9 An NHS Officer stated that there was a funding stream nationally for 1 year and that a letter was written to the NHS for a long 10 year plan. It was further stated that this programme would not necessarily disappear in 10 years time.
20.10 Councillor Knight enquired if there was any take up of mental health in places that had a reduction of phone use.
20.11 The NHS Officer stated that efforts had been made to look in to the whole approach and provide various projects and responses such as digital free days. It was noted that school wellbeing service was all year round.
20.12 The Youth Council Representative raised concerns as to provisions for young people looking for consultation in a safe environment.
20.13 The Executive Director for Families, Children & Learning stated that efforts would be made to reach out to young people as part of the review process and there would be further opportunities made available as part of this. It was noted that Brighton & Hove already had a wellbeing service in place and that schools worked as part of a wider system.
20.14 Councillor Wilkinson referred to items 3.11 and 3.12 and enquired of the take up of schools and the monitoring process.
20.15 The NHS Officer stated that training was important and that a universal approach was being fitted in where schools were on inset days.
20.16 Amanda Mortensen referred to item 3.28 and enquired of how this would be implemented. Further enquiry was made as to the status of the Hidden Children report)
20.17 The NHS Officer stated that a supportive approach to school non-attendance was key and that this included how a child was welcomed in to a school.
20.18 The Assistant Director – Education & Skills stated that they would look into the status of the Hidden Children Report.
20.19 Councillor Nield requested a detailed report on CAMHS.
20.20 The NHS Officer stated that for 2 years there was a resource running in schools for 2 days a week and this provided some level of supervision to the team. It was noted that there was a reduction in CAMHS referrals and the focus would be to tighten up the role of CAMHS in the system so that they could provide further clinical governance.
20.21 Councillor McNair noted that there was an amassed amount of research that indicated that high levels of religious belief and practice was indicative of better mental health and enquired if it would be considered that religious belief may have a role to play.
20.22 The NHS Officer agreed with this statement.
1. That the implication of the implementation of the Trailblazer (Mental Health Support Team in schools) in Brighton & Hove be noted.
Supporting documents:
Mental Health update report: School Wellbeing Service Trailblazer, item 20.
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