Agenda item - Early Headlines Standards and Achievement in Brighton and Hove Schools
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Agenda item
Early Headlines Standards and Achievement in Brighton and Hove Schools
- Meeting of Children, Young People & Skills Committee, Monday, 16th September, 2019 4.00pm (Item 21.)
- View the background to item 21.
Report of the Executive Director for Families, Children & Learning (copy attached)
Contact Officer: Mark Storey, Tel: 01273 294271
Head of Education, Standards &
Wards affected: All Wards
1. That the Early Headlines Standards and Achievement Report for the academic year 2018-2019 be noted.
21.1 The Head of Education Standards & Achievement provided a brief overview of the report to committee which outlined the early headlines of the results of the national tests in Summer 2019.
21.2 Councillor Clare stated that EBac campaign groups saw a reduction in creative subjects and enquired if this was seen locally.
21.3 The Head of Education Standards & Achievement stated that there was no information on individual subject yet. It was further stated that there was no further data on EBac currently other than some improvement.
21.4 Councillor Hills referred to the grading system and enquired if this was use across all subjects.
21.5 The Head of Education Standards & Achievement confirmed that this was largely the grading system across all subjects. It was noted that preferred Mathematics would change over next year.
21.6 Councillor Nield stated that SATs results signified a narrow range of achievement when considering the richness of achievement in other areas and enquired if this could be considered in future reports.
21.7 The Assistant Director – Education & Skills stated that this was often considered especially in regards to subjects such as music and arts.
21.8 The Head of Education Standards & Achievement stated that Ofsted was the main national system of school measurement which had changed to observe the full breadth of the curriculum. It was further stated that as a Local Authority, a broad view of the City was considered amongst a wide range of national data.
21.9 Councillor Brown enquired of any reasons for the reduction in areas of learning across schools.
21.10 The Head of Education Standards & Achievement stated that data provided comprised of a series of results added together. It was noted that there was very substantial support in place for schools with slightly lower schools.
21.11 Councillor Simson referred to Key Stage 1 and 2 and enquired if there would be a city-wide comparison between boys and girls achievements.
21.12 The Head of Education Standards & Achievement clarified that there was no data on this yet.
21.13 Councillor Knight enquired if it would be possible to report the anecdotal evidence of the lives that some children in the city were living in regard to financial disparity.
21.14 The Head of Education Standards & Achievement agreed to provide this.
21.15 Councillor McNair referred to the HEPY report in January 2019 and noted that 1 in 4 A-Level grades were marked inaccurately.
21.16 Karen James noted that last year it was stated that there was going be a follow up workshop and requested an update on this.
21.17 The Assistant Director – Education & Skills stated that members had been urged every year to attend the workshop provided.
21.18 The Chair congratulated students and teachers and stated the need for a large focus on the disadvantaged.
1. That the Early Headlines Standards and Achievement Report for the academic year 2018-2019 be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Early Headlines Standards and Achievement in Brighton and Hove Schools, item 21. PDF 407 KB View as HTML (21./1) 78 KB