Agenda item - Sustainable Drainage Systems Supplementary Planning Document (SuDS-SPD)
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Agenda item
Sustainable Drainage Systems Supplementary Planning Document (SuDS-SPD)
- Meeting of Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee, Thursday, 26th September, 2019 4.00pm (Item 14.)
- View the background to item 14.
Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture
RESOLVED - (1) That the Committee notes the consultation undertaken on the draft SPD (Appendix 1 to the report) and endorses the changes made to the document;
(2) That the Committee adopts the Sustainable Drainage Document as part of the city’s suite of Planning documents subject to any minor grammatical and non-material text and illustrative alterations agreed by the Head of Planning prior to publication; and
(3) That the Committee agree that consideration of the wider landscape and delivery of wider benefits, which is covered by item 3.5 in appendix 1 to the report should be made a priority, and that models of doing this creatively and innovatively are explored.
14.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment and Culture seeking the adoption of the Sustainable Drainage (SuDs) Supplementary Planning Document which also set out the results of consultation undertaken on the draft SPD and changes made in response to comments received.
14.2 It was noted that once adopted, the SPD would assist in the delivery of the development plan and the provision of sustainable drainage associated with new development. The city council, as both Local Planning Authority (LPA) and Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) had a duty to consider the flood risk implications and drainage provision associated with applications for new development. This would include the provision of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and the SuDS maintenance strategy.The council’s adopted City Plan Part 1 set out the overarching planning policy framework regarding flood risk (Policy CP11). Whilst the draft City Plan Part 2 set out a proposed suite of detailed development management policies including a draft policy on Sustainable Drainage (Policy DM43) which advises that the council will produce new guidance on Sustainable Drainage. This guidance will assist developers and applicants in making the right decisions in the provision of sustainable drainage.
14.3 It was noted that additions/amendments (set out in bold italic text), had been put by the Green Group, proposed by Councillor Rainey and seconded by Councillor Ebel. These had been circulated prior to the meeting and are set out below:
“2.1 That the Committee notes the consultation undertaken on the draft SPD (Appendix 1) and endorses the changes made to the document;
2.2 That the Committee adopts the Sustainable Drainage Supplementary Planning Document as part of the city’s suite of planning documents subject to any minor grammatical and non-material text and illustrative alterations agreed by the Head of Planning prior to publication; and
That the Committee agree that consideration of the wider landscape and delivery of wider benefits, which is covered by item 3.5 in Appendix 1 (p15) should be made a priority, and that models of doing this creatively and innovatively are explored.”
14.4 Councillors Ebel and Rainey spoke in support of their proposed additions/amendments explaining that whilst fully supportive of the report and its recommendations they considered it vital that measures were put into place to ensure that the areas of work identified in paragraph 3.5 of the report were dealt with as a matter priority.
14.5 Councillor Mears welcomed the approach being advocated which would be useful tool in that they could take account of local planning knowledge.
14.6 The proposed Green Group amendments were then voted on and were accepted. They were then formally voted on as the substantive recommendations of the report were agreed and are set out below.
14.7 RESOLVED - (1) That the Committee notes the consultation undertaken on the draft SPD (Appendix 1 to the report) and endorses the changes made to the document;
(2) That the Committee adopts the Sustainable Drainage Document as part of the city’s suite of Planning documents subject to any minor grammatical and non-material text and illustrative alterations agreed by the Head of Planning prior to publication; and
(3) That the Committee agree that consideration of the wider landscape and delivery of wider benefits, which is covered by item 3.5 in appendix 1 to the report should be made a priority, and that models of doing this creatively and innovatively are explored.
Supporting documents:
- Sustainable Drainage Systems Supplementary Planning Document (SuDS-SPD), item 14. PDF 146 KB View as HTML (14./1) 28 KB
- Sustainable Drainage Systems Supplementary Planning Document (SuDS-SPD) APX. n 1, item 14. PDF 2 MB View as HTML (14./2) 13 MB
- Sustainable Drainage Systems Supplementary Planning Document (SuDS-SPD) APX. n 2, item 14. PDF 427 KB View as HTML (14./3) 32 KB
- Item 14-Green Group, item 14. PDF 122 KB View as HTML (14./4) 22 KB