Agenda item - Home to School Transport (Procurement Issue)

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Agenda item

Home to School Transport (Procurement Issue)

Report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources.


1)    Members noted the report and consider any further action required in response to the issues raised.


28.1      The Committee considered a report that set out the results of the Internal Audit undertaken on decisions surrounding the recent home to school transport procurement following a request by the committee to do so.


28.2      Councillor Garry Peltzer-Dunn commended the officer report and the internal audit work is correct. It was considered that officers were right to ask questions and the duty of the A&S Committee to report back on any weaknesses in appendix A, and to ascertain if the way forward is workable.


28.3      Mark Dallen explained some parts of the report to the committee and reiterated that a formal business case was not required.


28.4      Councillor Siriol Hugh-Jones was informed that the CYPS Committee had dealt with the issues and no more was required from the A&S Committee.


28.5      Councillor Robert Nemeth was informed that no additional authority was required, and the report was found acceptable by the legal officers.


28.6      Councillor Pete West noted the report and believed it answered questions that had been raised. It was noted that the liability was with BHCC and this was not a new issue.


28.7      Resolved: Members noted the report and consider any further action required in response to the issues raised.

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