Agenda item - Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Driver Enforcement and Monitoring

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Agenda item

Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Driver Enforcement and Monitoring

Report of the Directorate of Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities.



RESOLVED:  That the Committee agreed to note the report.





15.1    Martin Seymour, Hackney Carriage Officer introduced the report on the actions taken since the previous meeting with the taxi drivers. He introduced Alex Evans, Licensing Officer and then both took questions from the Committee.


15.2    Cllr Ebel asked about section 3.3 and how the Licensing team dealt with someone under a criminal investigation. The Hackney Carriage Officer replied that often a decision had to be made so the driver was suspended and kept the suspension, if convicted.


15.3    Councillor Simson confirmed that it would be useful see a year on year comparison to give an idea on whether the service was getting better or worse.


15.4    Councillor Appich asked if the trafficking training was mandatory and Alex Evans replied that at the moment it was only voluntary, but that they were repeating the training in January and trying to get as many sessions as were needed.


15.5    Councillor Wares highlighted the number of Lewes licence vehicles whose owners lived in Brighton and he asked how this could be dealt with and whether they came from one particular place. The Chair answered that the Licensing team had already discussed writing to the Leader of Lewes council on this issue.  Alex confirmed that this was frustrating and that the team kept a spreadsheet where they recorded which  offenders had received the warning letter and whether operators were legitimately using the rank.


15.6    Councillor Wares queried whether the age of vehicles could also be recorded and whether owners were permitted to carry first aid kits.  Alex Evans replied that first aid kits had not been required for 20 years in vehicles and that there was a European standard of  normal engines up to 4 years and European standard of up to 6 years old.


15.7    Councillor Simson cited a particular case where the driver had kept his licence after a conviction with 14 points on their licence and she felt this should have been revoked.  Martin Seymour replied that in our policy, if drivers have more than 7 points, then they have to redo their DVLA licence application.


15.8    Councillor Osborne wanted to check what the medical standards were and whether these had been failed.  Martin Seymour answered that both the DVLA and a drivers’ insurance company sets medical standards but that the Council took advice on this from an independent medical advisor. The Chair stated that drivers are prone to being overweight and the Licensing Regulatory Manager replied that drivers could come to a forum similar to one for Bus drivers which offered amongst other things exercises to do in the cab.

15.9    The Chair then raised the issue of the Gardner Street Traders.  She confirmed that a decision had been taken previously not to remove the market due to residents and traders. The Regulatory Manager confirmed that they had just completed the Gardner St Market report and wanted to reassure members that they did not wish to remove it but bring it in line with street trading laws, since it is currently difficult to enforce due to current wording. He confirmed it had gone out to consultation and that they would receive results back on this in March 2020.


15.10  Councillor Deane stated that she did not want to influence the decision in March since the situation had arisen although it was difficult to enforce.

She gave examples of possible issues such as a trader who may want to get out of a designated pitch. She confirmed it was important that the small minority spill over from their parameter.  She also confirmed that there was a change petition and if proposals were brought in, it should help the market in the future.


15.11  Councillor Simson felt that the market was declining and less stalls meant more cars and the report in 2020 would there be a recommendation for marketing this market.  The Regulatory Manager confirmed that he would take this on board. The Chair added that there were 58 pitches but not always the full number of traders operating and that this should hopefully be clarified in the future.


15.12  RESOLVED:  That the Committee agreed to note the report.



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